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发布时间:2018-05-14 16:52

  本文选题:自治 + 近代国家 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 内蒙古地区的“自治问题”是中国近代史上一个焦点。选择这个题目,就是想通过对南京国民政府处理内蒙古“自治问题”的研究,认识在构建近代民族国家中,如何调整民族关系与国家政治体制的转型相适应,以此维护中华民族的统一和国家的统一。这个问题是我研究这部法案的着眼点。 本文首先对清朝(封建制国家)的盟旗制度进行梳理,可以看出盟旗制度是与封建制国家相对应的民族关系的政策体现。从文章的第二章开始,作者力从民国时期对蒙政策的调试(《蒙古待遇法》、《蒙古盟部旗组织法》等)的得失来论述,《蒙古自治办法原则》产生的背景和原因,其中包括中央与地方的互动和较量。本文单独开辟一章来论述《蒙古自治办法原则》这部法案,从双方利益、权力、近代国家构建、民族自治、蒙人自治权利等方面对这部法案进行分析。在最后一章结论中,作者得出在探索民国时期中央政府对选择与之相适应的民族关系的方面,这法案虽有一定的进步性但也是一部失败的法案,同时对我们今后的民族自治理论的形成和民族政策的制订提供了经验教训和借鉴作用。 这篇文章不仅关注中央对地方民族关系的调整,同时也关注地方对中央政策的呼应。从另一角度看,这部法案也表达了部分蒙古人民的意愿,是蒙古人民在追求民族“自治、自决”进程中的重要组成部分,具有一定的进步意义。
[Abstract]:The problem of autonomy in Inner Mongolia is a focal point in the modern history of China. The purpose of choosing this topic is to study the Nanjing National Government's handling of the "autonomy problem" in Inner Mongolia, and to understand how to adjust the ethnic relations and adapt to the transformation of the state political system in the construction of a modern nation-state. In order to safeguard the unity of the Chinese nation and national unity. This question is the focus of my study of the bill. This paper firstly combs the system of alliance flag in Qing Dynasty (feudal country), and it can be seen that the system of alliance flag is the policy embodiment of national relation corresponding to feudal country. From the second chapter of the article, the author discusses the gain and loss of the policy of Mongolia during the period of the Republic of China ("Mongolian treatment Law", "the Organic Law of Mongolian League", etc.), the background and reason of "the principle of Mongolian Autonomy method". These include the interaction and competition between the central and local governments. In this paper, a separate chapter is opened to discuss the principle of Mongolian Autonomy, which is analyzed from the interests of both sides, power, modern state construction, national autonomy, Mongolian autonomy and so on. In the last chapter, the author concludes that in exploring the central government's choice of appropriate ethnic relations during the period of the Republic of China, although this bill is progressive, it is also a failed act. At the same time, it provides lessons and reference for the formation of the theory of national autonomy and the formulation of national policies in the future. This article focuses not only on the adjustment of local ethnic relations, but also on local policies. From another point of view, the bill also expresses the wishes of some Mongolian people and is an important part of the process of the Mongolian people's pursuit of "autonomy and self-determination", which has a certain progressive significance.


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