本文选题:地方志 + 资料工作 ; 参考:《中国地方志》2010年09期
[Abstract]:In the past, the study of local chronicles mainly focused on the form, classification and management of local chronicles, mostly on the data theory. As a matter of fact, the relationship between the compilation of data and the compilation of annals is both opposite and unified, and the principle of dialectical relationship between the compilation of data and the compilation of chronicles is of great importance to the improvement of the quality of compilation of chronicles. It is of great methodological significance to carry out the scientific concept of development in the cause of local chronicles. In the work practice, we should not only grasp the close connection between the data and the compilation of the annals, but also improve the quality of the compilation of the annals in an all-round way, and attach importance to the differences between the compilation of the materials and the compilation of the chronicles. Give full play to the uniqueness of the data work and promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the local chronicles.
【作者单位】: 山东省济南市省府前街1号省政府综合楼省地方史志办公室;
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