本文选题:国民党 + 台湾 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:地方自治是台湾现行政治制度的重要组成部分。国民党自1950年在台湾正式实施地方自治,至今已成为台湾政治制度的承载基础。 国民党在台湾实行地方自治有多方面的原因。研究台湾的地方自治不能忽视它的历史渊源。国民党在大陆时期对地方自治进行过探索,积累了足够的经验与教训,对于治理台湾当然是甚有裨益。同时,地方自治也是日本殖民统治的重要制度遗产。台湾人民在日本殖民时代为改善自身的处境,持续地进行了长期的地方自治斗争,地方自治思想具有深远影响。在日本殖民时代的后期,台湾政治制度中已经出现某种程度的地方自治因素。上述情况就是国民党在台湾实行地方自治的历史前提。国民党之所以迅速启动地方自治,与它退台初期所面临的全面而深刻的政治危机有关。为了应变求存,国民党不得不在某种程度上改革它的统治方式。从宏观上来看,岛内的政治危机、海峡两岸的紧张对峙以及美国的对台政策的综合作用,迫使国民党迅速实行地方自治。因此,某种程度而言,地方自治主要的并非出于实现民主政治的理想,而是一种应付危机的策略。当然,国民党实行也是经过利害权衡的理性选择,其主要目的是缓解岛内的社会矛盾,巩固和扩大国民党政权的社会基础。 国民党主导下的地方自治制度具有若干民主属性。地方的行政首长与民意代表均由直接民选产生,他们在处理地方公共事务时享有某种程度的自主权。当然国民党当局在诸如选举、人事、财政等关键环节对于地方自治团体设置了许多限制,压缩了自治空间,使得地方自治几乎被简化成为地方选举。然而就总的趋势来说,地方自治的程度不断得到提高,这是不争的事实。国民党执政期间的地方自治具有不同的阶段性特征。蒋介石时代是地方自治建立阶段,国民党具有支配性的影响力。蒋经国时代,党外势力经由地方自治崛起于政坛,国民党的威权受到持续挑战,因而被迫调整统治策略。李登辉时代的地方自治发生结构性的巨大变化,地方层面首先实现政党政治,国民党的统治基础逐渐削弱。 地方自治的长期实行在台湾的政治发展史上扮演了重要角色。地方自治的实行有效地稳定了国民党的统治,使初期的政治危机得以缓解。地方精英因为地方自治政策而获得政治参与权,地方自治使得国民党当局建立了对于地方精英的柔性控制,它不必完全依赖暴力,从而降低了统治成本。地方自治某种程度上满足了民众参与政治和地方事务的愿望,从而缓解了他们与国民党政权之间的紧张关系。实际上,这个政策对于培养民众的民主观念、公民意识以及社会的整合有着积极作用。地方自治的实行,启动了台湾政治引擎,并在事实上为台湾由威权体制转向民主体制铺设了轨道。公平的选举成为赢得政权的合法途径,反对势力获得了生存发展的空间,国民党由“革命政党”演变成为选举型的普通政党。
[Abstract]:Local autonomy is an important part of the current political system in Taiwan. Since the Kuomintang formally implemented its local autonomy in Taiwan in 1950, it has become the bearing foundation of the political system of Taiwan.
There are many reasons for the local autonomy of the Kuomintang in Taiwan. The study of the local autonomy of Taiwan can not be ignored. The Kuomintang has explored the local autonomy in the continental period, accumulated sufficient experience and lessons, and is of great benefit to the governance of Taiwan. Meanwhile, local autonomy is also important for the colonial rule of Japan. In order to improve the situation of the Japanese colonial era, the people of Taiwan continued the long-term local self-government struggle, and the local autonomy thought had a profound influence. In the later period of the Japanese colonial period, the political system of Taiwan had appeared some degree of local autonomy. The above situation was the implementation of the Kuomintang in Taiwan. The historical premise of square autonomy. The Kuomintang's rapid start of local autonomy was related to a comprehensive and profound political crisis facing the early stage of its retreat. In order to seek survival, the Kuomintang had to reform its rule of rule. On the macro level, the political crisis in the island, the tense confrontation both sides of the Straits and the United States. The comprehensive effect of the policy on Taiwan has forced the Kuomintang to carry out local autonomy quickly. Therefore, to a certain extent, the main part of local autonomy is not the ideal of realizing democracy, but a strategy to cope with the crisis. Of course, the Kuomintang is also a rational choice to carry out the trade-offs, and its main purpose is to alleviate the social contradictions in the island. To consolidate and expand the social basis of the Kuomintang regime.
The local autonomy system under the leadership of the Kuomintang has a number of democratic attributes. The local executive heads and public opinion representatives are all elected by direct election. They enjoy some degree of autonomy in dealing with local public affairs. Of course, the Kuomintang authorities have set a lot of limits on local self-government organizations in such key links as election, personnel and finance. In the general trend, the degree of local autonomy has been continuously improved. This is an indisputable fact. The local autonomy during the ruling period of the Kuomintang has different stages. The Jiang Jieshi Dynasty was the establishment of local autonomy, and the Kuomintang was dominated by the Kuomintang. The influence of sex. In the Jiang Jingguo era, the non party forces rose to politics through local autonomy, the Kuomintang's power was constantly challenged, and the ruling strategy was forced to adjust. The local autonomy of the Li Denghui era has undergone tremendous structural changes, the party politics was first realized at the local level, and the Kuomintang's ruling foundation gradually weakened.
The long-term implementation of local autonomy played an important role in the history of political development in Taiwan. The implementation of local autonomy effectively stabilized the rule of the Kuomintang and relieved the early political crisis. The local elite gained political participation because of the local self-government policy, and the local autonomy established the Kuomintang authorities to the local elite. Flexible control, which does not have to rely entirely on violence, reduces the cost of ruling. Local autonomy, to some extent, satisfies the desire of the people to participate in political and local affairs, and thus relieves the tension between them and the Kuomintang regime. In fact, the policy is for the democratic ideas of the people, civic awareness and social integration. The implementation of local autonomy started the political engine of Taiwan, and in fact laid the track for Taiwan to turn from the authoritarian system to the democratic system. The fair election became the legitimate way to win the political power, the opposition got the space for survival and development, and the Kuomintang evolved from the "revolutionary party" to the electoral General Administration. The party.
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