本文选题:郑州 + 城市规划 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:近代以来的郑州,原本是中国内陆地区一个相对封闭落后的小县城,借助铁路交会和两次开埠等历史机遇,初步实现由传统城市向现代城市的转型,崛起为中原地区重要的交通枢纽和工商业城市。 要保证城市的顺利发展,就必须制定出合理的城市规划。城市规划是为了合理利用城市土地和协调城市空间布局,而对城市的性质、规模、发展方向以及各项建设进行的合理选择和综合部署。城市规划对城市发展起着重要的指导作用。市政建设正是城市规划的执行阶段。市政建设指的就是城市政府根据城市规划的总体部署所主办的各种公共性设施和事业的建设。 本文所探讨的郑州城市规划的演变与市政建设的发展,时间跨度从1908年郑州开埠到1954年省会迁郑。本文主要选取了1908—1954年郑州历次总体城市规划作为研究对象,以期理清近代郑州城市规划的历程、市政建设的发展以及规划和建设之间的关系。 本文正文主要分为四部分: 第一部分主要介绍20世纪早期的郑埠建设。京汉铁路和汴洛铁路的开通,带动了郑州城市的兴起,两次郑州开埠,虽带动郑州商埠建设,但没有达到预期的效果。 第二部分介绍了国民政府时期郑州的三次城市规划方案。前两个规划方案在城市的不同区域划定新市区进行建设;而抗战胜利后的方案,主要是解决战争的遗留问题,其规划设计比较简单。由于政局不稳,这三次规划方案都没有得到较好的实施。 第三部分介绍了新中国成立后至1954年省会迁郑期间的规划方案,并对三次城市规划作了对比。 第四部分,以近代郑州市政建设的发展为主题,从道路、公园和城市卫生角度入手来讨论郑州的城市现代化。并总结了近代郑州市政建设的经验教训。
[Abstract]:Since modern times, Zhengzhou was originally a relatively closed and backward small county town in inland China. With the help of historical opportunities such as railway rendezvous and the opening of two ports, Zhengzhou has initially realized the transition from a traditional city to a modern city. The rise of the Central Plains as an important transportation hub and industrial and commercial cities. To ensure the smooth development of the city, it is necessary to formulate a reasonable urban planning. Urban planning is to make rational use of urban land and coordinate the layout of urban space, but to the nature, scale, development direction and various construction of the reasonable selection and comprehensive deployment of the city. Urban planning plays an important guiding role in urban development. Municipal construction is the implementation stage of urban planning. Municipal construction refers to the construction of various public facilities and undertakings sponsored by the city government according to the overall arrangement of urban planning. The evolution of Zhengzhou urban planning and the development of municipal construction are discussed in this paper. The time span is from the opening of Zhengzhou in 1908 to the relocation of Zhengzhou in 1954. This paper mainly selects the general urban planning of Zhengzhou from 1908-1954 as the research object, in order to clarify the course of modern Zhengzhou urban planning, the development of municipal construction and the relationship between planning and construction. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts: The first part mainly introduces the construction of Zheng Bu in the early 20 th century. The opening of the Beijing-Han Railway and the Bianluo Railway led to the rise of Zhengzhou City. The opening of Zhengzhou port twice led to the construction of the commercial port in Zhengzhou, but it did not achieve the desired results. The second part introduces the three urban planning schemes of Zhengzhou during the period of the National Government. The first two planning schemes define new urban areas for construction in different areas of the city, while the scheme after the victory of the War of Resistance mainly solves the problems left over by the war, and its planning and design are relatively simple. Due to political instability, the three planning programs have not been better implemented. The third part introduces the planning plan between the founding of New China and the transfer of provincial capital to Zheng in 1954, and compares the three urban plans. The fourth part discusses the urban modernization of Zhengzhou from the point of view of road, park and urban sanitation. And summed up the experience and lessons of modern Zhengzhou municipal construction.
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