本文选题:省禁 + 中书 ; 参考:《东岳论丛》2012年08期
[Abstract]:"province", originally for the palace forbidden place of the name. The imperial power should limit and control the prime minister first, and then the prime minister by the close ministers, thus giving birth to the three provinces system of prime minister, making "province" the name of the prime minister organization. It is a reasonable mechanism to manage the local government and send people to supervise the place in different levels, but because the emperor made excessive use of the supervisor, the supervision district expanded into a local power organization. The Yuan Dynasty established the country, not only inherited the system of running platform since the Wei and Jin dynasties and Jin Dynasty, but also continued to walk on the chain of power expansion of the supervision area of Tang and Song dynasties, so that the central organization of "province" became the local stationing agency of the prime minister, which was called "provincial province". As a result of the struggle between imperial power and power in the early Ming Dynasty, the prime minister organization, Zhongshu province, was abolished, and the "province" became the "province" and became the name of a local administrative organ. This change is a byproduct of the evolution of the prime minister system and local administrative organs, and also a deformity of feudal autocracy.
【作者单位】: 济南大学历史与文化产业学院;
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