本文选题:唐代 + 支讷 ; 参考:《民族研究》2012年05期
[Abstract]:Based on the epitaph materials, this paper makes a specific investigation on the causes and consequences of the relocation and burial of Luoyang by the descendants of the small Moon family in the Tang Dynasty. From the 16th to the Tang Dynasty, the family experienced the transformation of the identity of the generals, merchants and bureaucrats. Reburial is an important part of the family's progress towards centralization and bureaucracy. The comparative study between the Zina family and other Zhi family in the Tang Dynasty shows that the political and cultural differences of the Eastern Jin and the Northern and Southern dynasties have also had a certain impact on the Zhi clan living in the north and the north, and the Zhi family who lives in the north tends to intermarry within the Hu nationality. More Hu people were retained, while Zhi family in the south married the Han people more deeply, which made them adapt to the culture and political system of Tang Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学历史学院;
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