本文选题:留日学生 + 山东 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:在清末中国留日运动大潮中,约600名齐鲁青年学子先后东渡留学,在日本接受了新思想、新文化、新知识。回国后他们又大多投身于山东政界,在近代山东的历次政治运动中发挥了应有作用,成为推动山东政治不断进步的一支重要力量。国内外史学界对清末中国留日学生的整体研究成果颇丰,国内许多省份的个案研究也已相当细致。但尚未涉足清末山东留日学生与近代山东的政治变革这一领域,而对此课题的研究却有十分重要的意义。 本文运用唯物史观,在借鉴相关研究成果的基础上,对清末山东留日学生与近代山东的政治变革进行了深入研究。本文以时序为轴线,精心梳理出清末山东留日学生的发展轨迹,考证其人数,分析其原因、剖析其特点,重点论述了他们回国后在近代山东的立宪运动、辛亥革命以及民国时期山东政治舞台上所起的重大作用。 清季以降中国的民族危机日甚一日。日本在甲午及日俄战争中的巨大胜利给国人以启示,决计“以日为师”,变革图强,掀起了近代中国大规模的留日运动。据地理之便的山东因清末“新政”,需才孔亟,故而地方当局极力提倡留学日本,加之早期留日生的宣传与鼓动,使山东留日学生在1901—1911年间总计达到600人左右,成为仅次于直隶的江北“留日大省”。山东留日学生由于受区域政治、经济、文化、社会开化程度等条件的制约,具有与其他省份不同的特点。反过来,这些特点又进一步影响着日后山东各地的政治变革与社会变迁。 由于他们在日本选学法政者人数众多,掌握了西方各种法政知识,故学成归国后,自然大多投身于山东政界。在山东立宪运动中,他们是宣传宪政思想与知识的主力军,所以咨议局成立时有十多人当选为议员,并成为咨议局内维护公理和促进进步的“正义旗手”。但由于人少势孤,在很多事情上无能为力,于是便把目光投向全国立宪派,积极地参加国会请愿运动,要求清廷真正地速行“立宪”。但“皇族内阁”的结局打破了他们的君主立宪梦。在全国“山雨欲来”的反清革命形势下,山东留日学生通过创办报刊杂志,兴办学校,组建革命团体,为山东辛亥革命做好了舆论和组织准备。武昌起 义爆发后,山东留日学生中的革命派与立宪派暂时团结起来,联络济南驻军 和各界群众迫使孙宝琦宣布山东“独立”。但在袁世凯、张广建等封建顽固 势力的反扑下,,“独立”仅存在了10天便告失败。在烟台,以留日学生革命 派为首又发动了一系列反清起义和暴动,推翻了满清在胶东半岛的统治,成 立了以胡瑛为首的“山东都督府”。此后他们又发起驱张拥胡运动,谋求山 东“统一”,同时还积极支援外省革命。他们的革命行动加速了清王朝的崩 溃,间接支援了南方的革命斗争,为民主共和在中国的胜利和山东政治的进 步创造了条件。民国初期,他们在山东政治舞台上拥护议会民主,勇斗袁氏 御用工具进步党,试图通过议会限制袁世凯的独裁专制。在袁世凯复辟帝制 的真面目暴露后,山东留日学生口诛笔伐并组织武力讨袁,成为反袁复辟的 一把北方利剑,最终迫使袁氏取消帝制。北洋时期,政局动荡,军阀混战, 列强横行,民不聊生,山东留日学生的分化开始加剧,一部分意志消沉者, 或淡出政界,或堕落为军阀政客;另一些人则苦苦探索,决心“以俄为师”, 与共产党合作;更多的人仍坚守建设资产阶级民主共和国的理想。北伐战争 开始后,他们又看到了希望,积极参战,与国民党合作,成为北伐名将或国 民政府中的“高干”。抗战时期,历经风霜而仍健在的留日学生则不顾年迈 体弱,甘冒枪林弹雨,为中华民族的抗日事业作出了应有贡献。 综观近代山东政治从专制到立宪、从立宪到共和以及从共和迈向民主的 现代化历程,留日学生在各个阶段均发挥了十分重大的作用。
[Abstract]:At the end of the Qing Dynasty , about 600 Zulu young students were studying abroad and received new ideas , new culture and new knowledge in Japan . After returning to China , most of them were put into the political circles of Shandong . After returning to China , they have played a proper role in the political movement in Shandong Province , and they have become a major force in promoting the political progress in Shandong . However , the study of the case studies in many provinces in China and abroad has been quite fine . However , the study of this subject has not been involved in the study of the Japanese students in the late Qing Dynasty and the political change in modern Shandong .
Based on the relevant research results , this paper makes a deep study on the political change of the Japanese students and the modern Shandong in the late Qing Dynasty based on the relevant research results . The paper attempts to comb out the development track of the students in Shandong in the late Qing Dynasty , analyze the reasons and analyze the reasons and analyze their characteristics . The paper mainly discusses the important role played by them in the constitutional movement in modern Shandong , the Revolution of 1911 and the political stage of Shandong Province in the period of the Republic of China .
During the period from 1901 to 1911 , the local authorities tried to promote the study of Japanese , and the local authorities have made great efforts to promote the study of Japan . The local authorities have made great efforts to promote the overseas study of Japan . Therefore , the local authorities have made great efforts to promote the study of Japan .
As a result of the large number of people in Japan , they have mastered various kinds of legal and political knowledge in the West , so many of them are in the political circles of Shandong . Since the founding of Shandong Province , more than 10 people have been elected as members of parliament and become a " justice flag " for maintaining justice and promoting progress . In the anti - Qing revolutionary situation in the whole country , the students of Shandong province have made public opinion and organization preparations for the Revolution of 1911 .
After the outbreak of the uprising , the revolutionaries in the Japanese students in Shandong and the constitutional clique were temporarily united to contact the troops of Jinan .
The people of all walks of life forced Sun Baoqi to declare Shandong " independent " , but in Yuan Shikai , Zhang Guangjian and other feudal stubborn
Under the influence of the forces , the " independence " only existed for 10 days and failed . At Yantai , in order to keep the students revolutionary
The faction led , in turn , launched a series of anti - Qing uprising and riots , which overthrew the reign of Manchu in the Jiaodong peninsula .
" The capital of the city of Shandong " led by Hu Ying . After that , they launched a campaign to drive Hu Ying and seek the mountains .
At the same time , the East " unification " also actively supports the revolution in the province . Their revolutionary actions have accelerated the collapse of the Qing Dynasty
The collapse and indirect support of the revolutionary struggle in the South , the victory of the Communist Party of China in China and the progress of Shandong politics
In the early days of the Republic of China , they embraced parliamentary democracy on the political stage of Shandong and fought for Yuan ' s .
An attempt to limit Yuan Shikai ' s dictatorship through Parliament .
After being exposed to the truth of the truth , the Japanese students in Shandong have spoken and organized force to discuss Yuan , and become an anti - Yuan restoration .
A northern sword , which finally forces Yuan to cancel the imperial system . During the Northern Ocean , the political situation was turbulent , and the warlords were mixed .
The differentiation of Japanese students in Shandong province began to intensify , and some of them were depressed .
Or fade out of politics , or fall into warlords politicians ; others work hard to explore and resolve to " take Russia as a teacher " ,
Cooperation with the Communist Party ; more people still adhere to the ideals of building the bourgeois democratic republic . Northern logging war
After the start , they saw hope , active participation , cooperation with the Kuomintang , and become a member of the Northern expedition .
The " high - stem " in the people ' s government . In the anti - Japanese war period , the students who were still alive after the frost had ignored the old age
It has made a contribution to the anti - Japanese cause of the Chinese nation .
On the Modern Shandong Politics from the tyranny to the constitution , from the constitutional to the republican and from the republican to the democracy
In the course of modernization , students have played a very important role in each stage .
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