本文选题:第二轮志书 + 经济部类 ; 参考:《中国地方志》2010年05期
[Abstract]:At present, the Ministry of Economic Affairs compiles the main focus of six: 1. Although the Ministry of Economic Affairs is the focus of the second round, but is not the heavyweight of the Department. Urban construction, transportation, postal telecommunications, electricity, water conservancy from the Ministry of Economic infrastructure, to the whole society's infrastructure, and then to the tertiary industry, reflects the logical relationship between the operation of things. The reform of economic system is the characteristic of the times and the difficulty of reflecting the second round of annals. Industry is not unique to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, but has become the focus of debate on the classification of annals. In the division of industry of Ministry of Economic Affairs, the local chronicles can use the Standard of Industry Classification of National economy for reference to classify and describe the industry. As far as the whole book is concerned, it should be classified according to social division of labor, department setting and subject research. Industry and enterprises have a place in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, but not as much as 6. 5%. Business and service industry how to describe, its content, the model is still under exploration, it is necessary to further explore.
【作者单位】: 河南省郑州市经一路北18号省地方史志办公室;
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