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发布时间:2018-08-02 19:02
[Abstract]:The historical period that the new local chronicles face is the reform and opening period. For the chronicles that record the local situation of reform and opening up, the description of the local reform and opening up is the proper meaning in the title, and the description of the reform and opening up is also a new culture and value creation. Summing up the historical process of reform and opening up can better guide the social practice in the new period and promote the development of contemporary undertakings and history. However, at present, the new local chronicles describe the problems existing in the reform and opening up: the formulaic and simple homogeneity of contents, the neglect of the multi-level and heterogeneity of things at different stages, the particularity of local situations and the different reform processes. Ignoring the differences in matters, processes, and results of reform and opening up; simplifying the complicated reform and opening up process by simplifying the complicated reform and opening up process; and overlooking the simple narration of facts and listing of data, Ignore the analysis and thinking of history and reality. Therefore, in order to better document the reform and opening up, the New Local Chronicles must look at the reform from a historical perspective, study the reform through systematic thinking, remember the reform under the background of globalization, and highlight the principal position of the people, and embody the characteristics of the times and the local characteristics. Must also have the question consciousness, the value pursue.
【作者单位】: 河北省沧州市政府办公室;


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5 傅,




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