[Abstract]:In the late Ming Dynasty, the printing industry in Hangzhou was very developed, with various publications related to tourism in the West Lake. It is these picturesque guidebooks that arouse people's strong desire to travel. French National Library collection of the Ming Dynasty Wanli color overprint solitary copy, "Hushan Shengcai" is one of the representatives. In the course of studying this book, the author accidentally found a color overprint in the National Library of China. Is it just a coincidence of naming, or is there another connection between the two books? By examining the poetry, illustrations, author's identity and other subtle clues in the two books, the answer is gradually revealed. With the development of this process, the picture of art life in the West Lake in the late Ming Dynasty slowly unfolded in front of our eyes.
【作者单位】: 南京大学美术研究院;
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