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拉萨古色古香的_论拉萨八廓古街形成的原因.pdf 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2016-12-19 12:44


网友quality近日为您收集整理了关于论拉萨八廓古街形成的原因的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:西藏大学硕士学位论文论拉萨八廓古街形成的原因姓名:益西曲珍申请学位级别:硕士专业:中国少数民族史(藏族历史)指导教师:次旦扎西20100520摘要公元7世纪,赞布松赞干布统一青藏高原,建立吐蕃王朝,定都逻些,并逐步兴建了大昭寺、小召寺、形成了以大昭寺为中心的旧拉萨城区的雏形。从大昭寺的建成到今天,拉萨逐步形成了三条转经路。即,“林廓”、“八廓”、和“囊廓”。其中,“八廓街”在国内外享有盛誉。八廓街经历了起源、形成和发展演变的漫长历史过程。八廓街是西藏历史的产物,是历史的土壤孕育了八廓街的种子;八廓街对于藏民族来说,不仅仅是一个简单意义上的街道,更是民族精神文化的直观体现,它的产生与根植在藏族人内心的文化具有密不可分的联系,是这种文化浇灌了八廓街的种子,使其得以成长;八廓街上的传统贸易活动促使该街的发展变迁,同时还体现出各个文化和谐相处的悠久历史。因此,本文通过历史、文化、经济三个方面对八廓街的形成进行探讨。笔者认为通过此研究能更好的理解八廓街的历史和文化价值,进而对古街的保护也起到积极的作用。本文由绪论和四个章节组成。绪论部分就课题的研究背景、研究对象、选题的意义和目的以及论文的研究方(来源:[])法作了说明;第一章介绍八廓街的整体概况;第二章论述八廓街产生的历史因素;第三章分析八廓街形成的文化因素;第四章叙述八廓街发展变迁的经济因素。关键词:八廓街;历史;文化;经济Abstract In the 7th century, Songtsan Gambo unified the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, established the Tubo kingdom, and chose Lhasa as the capital city of the kingdom. In the following few years, the Jokhang Temple and Ramoche temple were built, forming the shape of the original structure of Lhasa. From the construction of the Jokhang Temple till today, over one thousa(来源:[])nd years, three major circumambulation circuits formed in Lhasa, namely "LingKhor", "Barkhor", and "Nangkhor". Among them, " Barkhor street" is the most prestigious one. Barkhor Street experienced a long historical process of formation and evolution overtime. It is not only the product of Tibetan history, but also a testimony of its own history. For Tibetans, it is not simply a street,but a visual embodiment of Tibetan people’s spiritual culture tha(来源:[])t is deeply rooted in their hearts.The traditional trade of the Barkhor street also promotes its development and change, at the same time reflects the harmonious relationship among the different cultures. This article discusses the formation of the Barkhor Street from the perspective of its history, culture and economy, aims to gain a better understanding of the historical and cultural value of the street. Meanwhile, it hopes to play a positive role(来源:[]) in the protection of the ancient street. This article consists of an introduction and four chapters. The introduction includes research background, research subjects, research 5 significance and purpose, and research methodology. The first chapter gives an overall introduction to the Barkhor Street. The second chapter discusses the historical factors that show the origin of the Barkhor Street. The third Chapter analyzes the cultural (来源:[])factors that influence the formation of the Barkhor Street. The fourth chapter describes the economic factors that cause the development and changes in the Barkhor Street. Keywords: Barkhor Street, History, Cultural, Economic 2 西藏大学研究生学位论文作者声明本人声明:本人呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下取得的研究成果。对前人及其他人员对本文的启发和贡献已在论文中做出了明确的声明,并表示了谢意。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人和其它机构已经发表或者撰写过的研究成果。本人同意学校根据《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办


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