[Abstract]:Jian Kun, the shrewd Gladys who defeated the Uighurs in 840 AD. As one of the peoples conquered by the Xiongnu, Jian-Kun was recorded in history in the Han Dynasty. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Jian-Kun was involved in disputes between the various ministries of Turkic and Xue Yentuo. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Taizong made great efforts to pass through the northern part of the desert, and the various departments attached to the Tang Dynasty one after another. Chien-Kun was appointed by Emperor Taizong as the governor of Jian-Kun du and the Government House of Jiankundu was formed from this. Jian Kun was first attached to the Central Plains Dynasty. Concerning the relationship between the Government House of Jiankundu and the Tang Dynasty, domestic scholars have also made relevant studies, but they are limited to expounding the historical facts and lack the depth and breadth of the research, so they need to make further in-depth and subtle exploration.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古师范大学历史文化学院;
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