[Abstract]:Based on the background of modern Hunan's social change and the occurrence and management of social problems in the process of social change, this paper briefly analyzes the governance and existing problems of social control system in the process of modern Hunan's social change. This paper also discusses the experiences and lessons of modern Hunan social control system in the management of social problems, and puts forward its own views on the governance of social problems in Hunan at present. This paper is divided into four parts preface: clarify the basis and significance of the topic of the first chapter The emergence and Evolution of Rural Social problems in Modern Hunan Chapter 2: the occurrence and performance of other Social problems in Modern Hunan Chapter three: the Control and Governance of Modern Hunan Social problems Chapter IV: the History of Modern Hunan Social problem Governance The first chapter of historical reflection starts from the angle of the complexity of social problems. It is believed that the social problems that endanger the modern Hunan society are not isolated from each other, but influence each other and cause each other in terms of the origin and the degree of harm. There is a complex relationship between them. The rural problem is the biggest social problem which hinders the social progress of modern Hunan, and it is the root of other social problems, and the social famine problem is the catalyst of many other social problems. The second chapter from the perspective of social change, according to the clues from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, describes the main social problems, such as tobacco, bandits, prostitutes, gambling and infanticide, foot binding and armed fighting and other social ills. Each problem includes three aspects: cause, performance and harm. Because the governance of social problems will be discussed in Chapter 3, this chapter is only concerned, not discussed in detail. From the angle of social control, the third chapter focuses on the methods and measures of social control system in modern Hunan, as well as the causes of the loss of social problems in modern Hunan. Chapter four, after analyzing the evolution of social problems in the process of social change in modern Hunan and the governance of social problems by social control system, summarizes briefly the social control in modern Hunan.
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