发布时间:2018-09-17 15:03
【摘要】: 吐蕃王朝历时二百余年,在青藏高原创造了无比灿烂的文明。当时,在整个亚洲大陆,吐蕃总是以一种兼收并蓄的态度来面对青藏高原的外部世界,并且从一开始就以一种强势态度积极向外扩张,这种扩张遭遇了空前强大的唐朝。于是两股文明相互碰撞,交通也随之发展了起来,在唐与吐蕃间形成了纵横交错的交通网络。毋庸置疑,吐蕃与唐朝的交通是吐蕃诸多交通线中最为主要和复杂的。正因为如此,学术界对唐蕃古道的关注超过了对吐蕃境内外其他道路的关注。事实上,除了唐蕃古道,吐蕃西北、东北通西域的道路,吐蕃西部过勃律、厕宾到西域、南亚、中亚的道路,吐蕃东、东南通川西和南蛮的道路,在不同的时期都得到了不同程度的发展。所以要想对吐蕃交通有比较全面的认识,必须对其周围的诸条道路作深入细致的分析。 吐蕃王朝兴起之后,以武力为后盾向外不断扩张。在这个扩张过程中,战争便变得稀松平常,看似普通的战争,却成了开辟交通路线的有力武器。战争所到,交通所及,因而一部战争史也就是一部交通史。研究交通必须与当时的整个政治、军事形势结合起来。笔者以战争和政治形势为主线,对吐蕃交通试作一全面的论述。 本文以“吐蕃交通四题”为题,分唐蕃古道,吐蕃北面的交通,通过勃律、}宾的道路,吐蕃东、东南的交通四个方面对吐蕃的交通进行了论述。通过这四个方面的分析,旨在对吐蕃的交通情况作出比较全面的认识。同时,通过交通情况,笔者亦欲对吐蕃与其他民族的文化交流、经济交往等作一番简单的探讨。
[Abstract]:The Tubo dynasty lasted more than 200 years and created a splendid civilization on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At that time, in the whole Asian continent, Tubo always faced the external world of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an all-embracing attitude, and from the beginning, it actively expanded outward with a strong attitude, which encountered an unprecedented powerful Tang Dynasty. As a result, the two civilizations collided with each other, and traffic developed, forming a crisscross traffic network between Tang and Tubo. There is no doubt that the transportation between Tubo and Tang Dynasty is the most important and complex of the Tubo traffic lines. For this reason, academic attention to the ancient Tang-Tibet Road outweighs the attention to other ways inside and outside Tubo. In fact, in addition to the ancient road of Tangfan, the northwest of Tubo, the road to the western region of northeast China, the road from the western part of Tibet to the Western region, the road of South Asia and Central Asia, the road of the western part of Tibet, the road of the southeast to the west of Sichuan and the road of the south of the country. In different periods of time have been different degrees of development. Therefore, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of Tubo traffic, it is necessary to make a thorough and detailed analysis of the surrounding roads. After the rise of the Tubo Dynasty, the force was used as the backing to expand continuously. In the course of this expansion, war became commonplace, seemingly ordinary, but a powerful weapon for opening up traffic routes. A history of war is a history of transportation. The study of transportation must be combined with the whole political and military situation of the time. Taking the war and political situation as the main line, the author makes a comprehensive exposition on Tubo traffic. Based on "four problems of Tubo Traffic", this paper discusses the traffic of Tubo from four aspects: the ancient Tangfan Road, the traffic in the north of Tubo, and the traffic in the east and southeast of Tubo through the road of Bo Law, the road of Bian, the east of Tubo and the traffic of southeast of Tibet. Through the analysis of these four aspects, the purpose of this paper is to make a more comprehensive understanding of the traffic situation in Tubo. At the same time, through the traffic situation, the author also wants to make a brief discussion on the cultural exchanges and economic exchanges between Tubo and other nationalities.
[Abstract]:The Tubo dynasty lasted more than 200 years and created a splendid civilization on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At that time, in the whole Asian continent, Tubo always faced the external world of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an all-embracing attitude, and from the beginning, it actively expanded outward with a strong attitude, which encountered an unprecedented powerful Tang Dynasty. As a result, the two civilizations collided with each other, and traffic developed, forming a crisscross traffic network between Tang and Tubo. There is no doubt that the transportation between Tubo and Tang Dynasty is the most important and complex of the Tubo traffic lines. For this reason, academic attention to the ancient Tang-Tibet Road outweighs the attention to other ways inside and outside Tubo. In fact, in addition to the ancient road of Tangfan, the northwest of Tubo, the road to the western region of northeast China, the road from the western part of Tibet to the Western region, the road of South Asia and Central Asia, the road of the western part of Tibet, the road of the southeast to the west of Sichuan and the road of the south of the country. In different periods of time have been different degrees of development. Therefore, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of Tubo traffic, it is necessary to make a thorough and detailed analysis of the surrounding roads. After the rise of the Tubo Dynasty, the force was used as the backing to expand continuously. In the course of this expansion, war became commonplace, seemingly ordinary, but a powerful weapon for opening up traffic routes. A history of war is a history of transportation. The study of transportation must be combined with the whole political and military situation of the time. Taking the war and political situation as the main line, the author makes a comprehensive exposition on Tubo traffic. Based on "four problems of Tubo Traffic", this paper discusses the traffic of Tubo from four aspects: the ancient Tangfan Road, the traffic in the north of Tubo, and the traffic in the east and southeast of Tubo through the road of Bo Law, the road of Bian, the east of Tubo and the traffic of southeast of Tibet. Through the analysis of these four aspects, the purpose of this paper is to make a more comprehensive understanding of the traffic situation in Tubo. At the same time, through the traffic situation, the author also wants to make a brief discussion on the cultural exchanges and economic exchanges between Tubo and other nationalities.
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