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发布时间:2018-10-10 08:05
【摘要】: 近代上海是孕育中国早期女学生的重要摇篮之一。上海之所以能在封建传统势力仍占主导地位的近代中国率先培育出一支颇有水准的女学生队伍,得益于明清以来江南地区相对良好的人文环境和上海开埠后所遇到的历史契机。开埠后的上海在欧风美雨的席卷下迅速由一个小商镇向商业化大都市转变,沪上的社会风气和人们的价值观念也随之渐变。在这样的背景下,上海的女性早在1850年就得到了入洋人办的教会学校学习的机会,到了19世纪末,随着沪上开明士绅兴办女学风潮的掀起,更有不少私立女校对她们敞开怀抱。然而直到女学之风已刮遍全国之时,清政府才于1907年宣布了女子教育的合法性,给女学生定了“名分”。而这时的上海女学生已经成为一个有相当数量的群体了。 沪上女学生从无到有,人数迅速增加,实属不易。更为重要的是,从1850年到1922年,上海女学生及其支持者们在与封建传统势力的持久较量中,在反复的进退中迈过了四道重要的门槛,实现了从地位卑下的闺中小女子到欲同男子平等的女国民的角色转变。女学生先是在西方教会势力和中国进步人士的大力推动下,动摇并逐渐改变了“女子不可教”、“女子无才便是德”等封建观念。随着国难的加深,她们更是以“国民之母”的形象受到了社会的极大关注,开始了较为广泛地吸收文化知识的真正的学生生涯。而当女学生身体与智识成长到一定程度,其中觉悟较高者已不满足于在男性社会中的雌伏状态,欲变被动为主动,伸张女性的部分权利,成为和男子平起平坐的女国民。到了20世纪二十年代左右,沪上女学生的身心进一步成熟,部分人已能全面深入地认识自我、把握自我,开始一种全新的生活。 上海女学生所迈出的每一步都与社会紧密相联。一方面,,女学生随着近代上海社会的变迁而诞生、成长并开始由家庭步入社会,参与到一定的社会活动中去;另一方面她们自身的行动和精神也直接或间接地推动着社会风气和传统观念的转变,影响着作为整体的女性的生存状态。女学生与近代上海社会存在着一种良性互动关系,她们在近代社会的发展中追寻着自我。
[Abstract]:Modern Shanghai is one of the important cradles for Chinese early female students. The reason why Shanghai was able to cultivate a quite high level female students in modern China, where the feudal traditional force still dominates, benefited from the relatively good humanistic environment in the south of the Yangtze River since the Ming and Qing dynasties and the historical opportunity that Shanghai encountered after the opening of the port. After the opening of the port, Shanghai quickly changed from a small commercial town to a commercial metropolis under the sweep of the European wind and rain, and the social atmosphere and people's values in Shanghai changed gradually. In this context, women in Shanghai were given the opportunity to study in the Western-run church schools as early as 1850. At the end of the 19th century, with the upsurge of the enlightened gentry in Shanghai in setting up women's studies, many private women's schools opened their arms to them. However, the Qing government declared the legality of women's education in 1907 until the wind of women's study had blown all over the country. At this time, Shanghai female students have become a considerable number of groups. Shanghai female students from scratch, the number of rapidly increasing, is not easy. More importantly, from 1850 to 1922, Shanghai's female students and their supporters crossed four important barriers in their long struggle with feudal traditional forces. The role of a woman from a humble purdah to a woman who wants to be equal to a man. The female students were pushed forward by the western church forces and the progressive personages of China, and gradually changed the feudal concept of "women cannot teach", such as "women without ability is virtue" and so on. With the deepening of the national disaster, they were paid great attention to by the image of "mother of the nation" and began to absorb cultural knowledge widely. When the female students grow to a certain degree of body and intelligence, the higher consciousness is not satisfied with the female subdued state in the male society, they want to become passive to active, to assert some of the rights of women, and become women nationals on an equal footing with men. By the 1920s, the body and mind of the female students in Shanghai had matured further, and some of them had been able to fully understand themselves, grasp themselves and start a new life. Every step taken by female students in Shanghai is closely related to society. On the one hand, with the change of modern Shanghai society, female students were born, grew up and began to enter the society from family to participate in certain social activities; On the other hand, their own actions and spirits also directly or indirectly promote the transformation of social atmosphere and traditional ideas, and affect the living state of women as a whole. There is a positive interaction between female students and modern Shanghai society, and they pursue themselves in the development of modern society.


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