[Abstract]:There are academic foundations, theoretical systems, social needs and practical values, and some basic problems are common. As far as the study of Guangxi is concerned, firstly, the study of geography is based on "people", and the scholars who form the multi-nationality of the regional resident population in Guangxi should pay more attention to it. Second, the unique angle of view of the study of geography is the region. Guangxi is far from the cultural center and is the frontier of the spread of Chinese culture to the outside world, which constitutes the special form of Gui Xue. Third, the research of geography has its own unique academic value. As a new learning, the study of Gui should not only trace the source of the academic, but also pay attention to the application value of the present and the future. Fourthly, the social significance of regional studies is generally to inherit the spirit of national harmony with the most value of the times in the region, and to establish the status and role of the study of Gui in the development and dissemination of Chinese culture. To provide cultural and intellectual support for the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade area. Fifth, the research of Gui School bears the responsibility of establishing a new type of regional study, which not only has the scientific research goal in a certain direction, but also serves the society and trains talents.
【作者单位】: 广西师范大学文学院;
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