[Abstract]:The new local chronicles are different from the old ones in describing the contents of science, education, culture and health. The 31 new local chronicles published in Shanghai have the following characteristics: attaching importance to the description of science and technology, attaching importance to the description of education, greatly enriching the contents of the old chronicles, setting up separate chapters for culture, health, and sports; The construction of spiritual civilization also set up more independent chapters. However, after entering the new century, the contents of science, education, culture and health need to change their concepts. According to the overall layout of the "four-in-one" socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, science, education, culture and health should be arranged after the major categories of economy and politics. Before the major categories of society; set up a review of cultural construction, development and reform; add new articles on the building of socialist ideology and spiritual civilization; strengthen the account of educational articles, properly arrange the contents of school- run industries; and strengthen the accounts of science and technology, Properly arrange the contents of the Science and Technology Industry Park; strengthen the account of cultural articles and arrange the contents of cultural industries; attach importance to the recording of artistic articles; strengthen the accounts of health articles and arrange properly the contents of the health industry; and strengthen the accounts of sports articles, Properly arrange the content of sports industry and strengthen the record of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.
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