发布时间:2018-10-25 16:06
【摘要】: 社会变革是社会本身在历史的发展中为了适应各种内外条件的发展而具有的一种自我完善与调节的功能。其具体包括改革与革命两种形式:改革是一种相对缓和的变革方式是社会矛盾还没有尖锐到不可调和时统治阶级采取的一种维持自身统治的调节方法;革命则是一种剧烈的,本质性的变革方式,往往伴随着暴力,其实现的基本标志就是政权的易手。两者的发生顺序往往是改革做量的积累,积累到一定程度后再发生革命这一质的变化,有时在同时期也可能出现两者共同发挥作用的现象。总的来说湖南近代的社会变革是从甲午战争之后出现的,此前仍然属于传统社会变革的范畴,从1840——1949年它的演化进程分为几个特殊时期,其过程中始终以特有的方式推动着湖南社会的发展,对其产生了深远的影响。因此湖南近代社会变革这一课题具有较大的研究意义,本文试图通过以下几个方面的论述将这一课题研究说明清楚: 全文主要分为五个部分: 一、引言部分:这一部分主要是对选题的依据与意义,研究现状以及本文的创新与不足之处加以简要的说明。 二、论述社会变革的概念与湖南传统的社会变革。 三、论述近代湖南社会变革的演化脉络:这一部分是文章的主体,是通过对1840——1949年这近一个世纪的社会变革做了一个分期考察,,将其分为7个时期:一是鸦片战争时期社会变革(1840——1895年);二是维新时期社会变革(1895——1903年);三是清末时期社会变革(1903——1911年);四是民国初期社会变革(1911——1919年);五是第一次国内革命时期湖南的社会变革(1919——1927);六是第二次国内革命时期湖南的社会变革(1927——1937年);七是抗日解放战争时期社会变革(1937——1949年),并总结了每个时期社会变革的特点与变革的主要方式。 四、近代湖南社会变革与湖南社会近代化:说明促进近代湖南社会变革发生的深层次原因以及近代湖南社会变革对湖南近代化的影响。 五、结语部分:对全文的内容进行总结提升
[Abstract]:Social change is a function of self-perfection and adjustment in order to adapt to the development of various internal and external conditions in the historical development of society itself. It includes two forms of reform and revolution: reform is a relatively mild mode of change, a method of adjustment adopted by the ruling class to maintain its own rule when the social contradictions are not too sharp to be reconciled, and the revolution is a violent one. The essential way of change is often accompanied by violence, and the basic symbol of its realization is the change of political power. The order of occurrence of both is usually the accumulation of quantity of reform, the qualitative change of revolution after accumulation to a certain extent, and sometimes the phenomenon of both acting together in the same period. Generally speaking, the modern social change in Hunan appeared after the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, and it still belongs to the category of the traditional social transformation. From 1840-1949, it was divided into several special periods. In the process, Hunan society has been promoted in a unique way, which has had a profound impact on it. Therefore, the subject of social transformation in modern Hunan has great significance. This paper attempts to explain this subject clearly by discussing the following aspects: the full text is divided into five parts: first, Introduction: this part is a brief explanation of the basis and significance of the topic, the current situation of the research and the innovation and deficiency of this paper. Second, the concept of social change and the traditional social change in Hunan. Third, the evolution of modern Hunan social change: this part is the main body of the article, through the 1840-1949 nearly a century of social change to make a phased investigation. It is divided into seven periods: one is the social change during the Opium War (1840--1895), the second is the social reform in the reform period (1895-1903), the third is the social change in the late Qing Dynasty (1903-1911). The fourth is the social change in the early period of the Republic of China (1911-1919), the fifth is the social change in Hunan during the first domestic revolution (1919-1927), the sixth is the social change in Hunan during the second domestic revolution (1927-1937). Seventh, the social change during the War of Resistance against Japanese Liberation (1937-1949), and summarizes the characteristics and main ways of social change in each period. Fourth, modern Hunan social transformation and Hunan social modernization: explain the deep-seated reasons to promote the modern Hunan social transformation and the influence of modern Hunan social change on Hunan modernization. Part five: summary and promotion of the content of the full text
[Abstract]:Social change is a function of self-perfection and adjustment in order to adapt to the development of various internal and external conditions in the historical development of society itself. It includes two forms of reform and revolution: reform is a relatively mild mode of change, a method of adjustment adopted by the ruling class to maintain its own rule when the social contradictions are not too sharp to be reconciled, and the revolution is a violent one. The essential way of change is often accompanied by violence, and the basic symbol of its realization is the change of political power. The order of occurrence of both is usually the accumulation of quantity of reform, the qualitative change of revolution after accumulation to a certain extent, and sometimes the phenomenon of both acting together in the same period. Generally speaking, the modern social change in Hunan appeared after the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, and it still belongs to the category of the traditional social transformation. From 1840-1949, it was divided into several special periods. In the process, Hunan society has been promoted in a unique way, which has had a profound impact on it. Therefore, the subject of social transformation in modern Hunan has great significance. This paper attempts to explain this subject clearly by discussing the following aspects: the full text is divided into five parts: first, Introduction: this part is a brief explanation of the basis and significance of the topic, the current situation of the research and the innovation and deficiency of this paper. Second, the concept of social change and the traditional social change in Hunan. Third, the evolution of modern Hunan social change: this part is the main body of the article, through the 1840-1949 nearly a century of social change to make a phased investigation. It is divided into seven periods: one is the social change during the Opium War (1840--1895), the second is the social reform in the reform period (1895-1903), the third is the social change in the late Qing Dynasty (1903-1911). The fourth is the social change in the early period of the Republic of China (1911-1919), the fifth is the social change in Hunan during the first domestic revolution (1919-1927), the sixth is the social change in Hunan during the second domestic revolution (1927-1937). Seventh, the social change during the War of Resistance against Japanese Liberation (1937-1949), and summarizes the characteristics and main ways of social change in each period. Fourth, modern Hunan social transformation and Hunan social modernization: explain the deep-seated reasons to promote the modern Hunan social transformation and the influence of modern Hunan social change on Hunan modernization. Part five: summary and promotion of the content of the full text
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2 雷晶;1800-1949年长沙现代化进程研究[D];湘潭大学;2008年
3 翟宁;《湘学报》研究[D];湖南师范大学;2012年
4 杨东洋;五四前后北京、湖南社会主义思潮传播的比较研究[D];湘潭大学;2012年