发布时间:2018-11-14 08:05
【摘要】: 本论文是我的导师钱宗范教授主持的国家社科“九五”规划课题《广西各民险传统文化与当代民族发展研究》一书中的一部分。本论文共分十个章节,另有附录四篇,共计十一万余字。 第一章简要介绍了壮族的概况、历史和其传统文化的特点。在对其传统文化特点的论述中,笔者从多个方面着重论述了其农耕文化的特点、汉化特征突出的特点和多元一体格局的特点。 第二章中,笔者试从功能主义社会学的角度分析壮族的传统教育,以求创新。文中分别从教育的社会化功能、社会控制功能、筛选和分配功能、同化功能以及社会的革新和变迁功能等方面探讨了壮族的传统教育,指出了其独特之处,并希望壮族传统教育模式中的有益成分得到继承和发扬。 第三章是笔者用力最多之处。首先,笔者试从文章的编排上创新,打破一般论文常见的沉闷死板;其次,在简要介绍壮族传统婚姻的演变和基本程序的基础上,重点在壮族传统的特色婚俗的论述中,较多地表述了自己的观点。例如对汉壮赘婿地位的比较,对哭嫁和吐饭习俗、入寮婚、寡妇内嫁的评述,以及对长住娘家习俗的论述等;又次,笔者还在论文后的附录中,附录了笔者关于长住娘家习俗的两篇论文。其中《桂西长住娘家习俗来源新探》发表于《中南民族学院学报》2002年第3期,《桂西、惠东、珠江三角洲三地长住娘家习俗对比研究》在我院研究生论文比赛中获奖。最后,笔者试从封建小家庭、妇女地位、继承制度、舅权、产翁制等几个方面体现壮族传统封建家庭的特点。在妇女地位方面,笔者提出以在劳动中的地位为出发点评价了汉壮妇女在家庭中的地位的高低,并附论文一篇《汉壮妇女地位对比研究》,发表于《广西师大学报》。 第四章记述了壮族的丧葬观念和丧葬程式,在屈肢土葬的成因等方面表述了一些自己的看法。并在对丧葬习俗破旧立新,使之符合社会需要、时代需要、环保需要等方面,提出了一些建设性意见。 第五章以大量材料介绍了壮族中主要的节日与壮族人民的神崇拜、图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜的渊源关系,介绍了壮族节日中的重要活动—歌圩的内容,从而分别体现了壮族节日的文化性和迷信性的方面。笔者提倡文明过节,摒弃一些封建的,旧的习俗。 第六章从衣食住行的几个方面,探讨了壮族文化的特点。首先,笔者纵览大量史料,总结了壮族人民饮食的特点,并以此为基点展开论述;其次,在对壮族体饰、服饰的记述中,对文身、凿齿等习俗的产生原因提出了自己的一些看法,并在论文后附录了《木屐历史小考》一文;再次,对壮族的居住的介绍,重点在于对干栏式民居的记述;最后,记述了广西壮族地区历代交通状况的变迁。笔者还就如何批判继承衣食住行中的传统文化等问题,提出了自己的建议。 第七章中阐述了都老制和土官土司制度。着重介绍了土官土司的继承制度、政权和族权的结合、祠堂、族谱、家谱、宗族共财制、土官和士兵的关系等方面的特点,论证了土官土司中的宗法制度确实存在,并分析了土官土司制度的弊端,阐明了党和政府实行村民自治制度的正确性。 第八章广采众家之言,以神秘性为线索,对岩壁画的年代、族属、主题等长期困扰学术界的论题进行了论述和探讨。还根据铜鼓研究的历史和现状,从分布、形制、起源、用途、社会功能等方面介绍了铜鼓,试图使读者对这一古老乐器有较全面的认识。 本论文全面地论述了广西壮族传统文化的各个方面,在前人研究成果的基础上进行总结、批判、继承、创新,在每一章的论述中都提出了自己的创新的研究意见;并在批评继承的基础上,,对如何改造壮族传统文化,以推动当代壮族的社会发展,实现“富民兴桂新跨越”的战略目标方面,提出了切实可行的研究意见。
[Abstract]:This paper is a part of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the National Social Science and Social Sciences under the auspices of Professor Qian Zong-fan of Guangxi, which is a part of the study on the traditional culture of all the people in Guangxi and the development of the contemporary national development. The thesis is divided into ten chapters, and the other is the appendix four, which is a total of eleven thousand words. The first chapter briefly introduces the general situation and history of Zhuang nationality. In the discussion of its traditional culture, the author focuses on the characteristics of the farming culture, the characteristics of the Chinese characteristics and the characteristics of the Chinese traditional culture. In the second chapter, the author tries to learn from the functionalist society The traditional education of Zhuang nationality is analyzed from the angle of study, so as to make innovation. This paper, from the aspects of the socialization of education, the function of social control, the function of screening and distribution, the function of assimilation and the function of the innovation and the change of society, etc. The traditional education of Zhuang nationality is discussed, and its unique place is pointed out, and it is hoped that the Zhuang nationality the beneficial components in the traditional education model The third chapter is the most powerful place of the author. First, the author tries to innovate from the arrangement of the article to break the common dead plate of the general paper; secondly, on the basis of the brief introduction of the evolution of the Zhuang nationality's traditional marriage and the basic procedure In the discussion of the traditional Chinese characteristics of the Zhuang nationality, the author has expressed his own views. For example, the comparison of the status of the Zhuang nationality, such as the comparison of the position of the Zhuang nationality, the practice of the weeping and the eating, the introduction of the marriage of the widow, the comment on the marriage of the widow, and the discussion of the custom of the long-lived woman, etc.; and the pen and the pen. The author is also in the appendix of the paper, the appendix of the author's two papers on the long-lived women's customs. Among them, the new research on the customary source of the long-lived women's family is published in the Journal of the South-central National Institute of the People's Republic of China, in the third period of 2002, 【学位授予单位】:广西师范大学
[Abstract]:This paper is a part of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the National Social Science and Social Sciences under the auspices of Professor Qian Zong-fan of Guangxi, which is a part of the study on the traditional culture of all the people in Guangxi and the development of the contemporary national development. The thesis is divided into ten chapters, and the other is the appendix four, which is a total of eleven thousand words. The first chapter briefly introduces the general situation and history of Zhuang nationality. In the discussion of its traditional culture, the author focuses on the characteristics of the farming culture, the characteristics of the Chinese characteristics and the characteristics of the Chinese traditional culture. In the second chapter, the author tries to learn from the functionalist society The traditional education of Zhuang nationality is analyzed from the angle of study, so as to make innovation. This paper, from the aspects of the socialization of education, the function of social control, the function of screening and distribution, the function of assimilation and the function of the innovation and the change of society, etc. The traditional education of Zhuang nationality is discussed, and its unique place is pointed out, and it is hoped that the Zhuang nationality the beneficial components in the traditional education model The third chapter is the most powerful place of the author. First, the author tries to innovate from the arrangement of the article to break the common dead plate of the general paper; secondly, on the basis of the brief introduction of the evolution of the Zhuang nationality's traditional marriage and the basic procedure In the discussion of the traditional Chinese characteristics of the Zhuang nationality, the author has expressed his own views. For example, the comparison of the status of the Zhuang nationality, such as the comparison of the position of the Zhuang nationality, the practice of the weeping and the eating, the introduction of the marriage of the widow, the comment on the marriage of the widow, and the discussion of the custom of the long-lived woman, etc.; and the pen and the pen. The author is also in the appendix of the paper, the appendix of the author's two papers on the long-lived women's customs. Among them, the new research on the customary source of the long-lived women's family is published in the Journal of the South-central National Institute of the People's Republic of China, in the third period of 2002,
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