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发布时间:2018-11-20 17:04
【摘要】: 鼓浪屿四十二年的租界历程形成了其特有的行政管理体制,租界时期的行政管理体制由英美时期的鼓浪屿租界和日本独占时期的鼓浪屿租界两部分组成。租界时期鼓浪屿的行政管理体制基本是以各国的工部局为主导来进行,其中也有华人的参政。英美租界时期的工部局对鼓浪屿的管理体现出的是“法治化的管理”、“民主化的管理”、“社区自治”等,客观上让鼓浪屿得到了进步和发展。英美时期的鼓浪屿政局稳定,经济繁荣,文化教育也得到发展。日占时期的工部局与英美时期的工部局形成了强烈的反差,它体现出来的是“人治化管理”、“专制化管理”、“社区行政化”。也正是因为日本破坏了英美时期建立起来的有效管理鼓浪屿的机制,导致了日占时期的鼓浪屿一片混乱,政局动荡,经济萧条,最终以日本的退出告终。 回收后的鼓浪屿呈现出令人困惑的局面。社区功能消退,岛上居民生活十分不方便、旅游业也不尽如人意,只能靠不断上涨门票船票价格来维持局面。现今的鼓浪屿困境引发了很多人的思考。本文试图在吸取租界时期鼓浪屿行政管理体制优点的同时结合现今鼓浪屿的实际情况,探讨鼓浪屿行政管理体制的出路。提出鼓浪屿需要重新定位,以及借鉴英美工部局时期的民主化、法治化等管理理念和管理方式,为鼓浪屿走出困境提出一些可供参考的意见和建议。
[Abstract]:The concession process of Gulangyu in 42 years has formed its unique administrative management system, which consists of two parts: Gulangyu concession in Anglo-American period and Gulangyu concession in Japanese exclusive period. During the concession period, the administrative system of Gulangyu was dominated by the ministries of industry and commerce of various countries, including the participation of Chinese in politics. The management of Gulangyu by the Ministry of Industry in the period of British and American concession reflected the "rule of law", "democratic management", "community autonomy" and so on, which objectively made Gulangyu get progress and development. Gulangyu during the British and American period of political stability, economic prosperity, culture and education has also been developed. During the period of Japanese occupation, the Bureau of Industry formed a strong contrast with the Bureau of Industry in Anglo-American period, which embodied "the management of the rule of man", "the autocracy" and "the administration of the community". It is precisely because Japan destroyed the mechanism of effective management of Gulangyu established during the British and American period that it led to the chaos, political turmoil and economic depression of Gulangyu during the period of Japanese occupation, and finally ended in the withdrawal of Japan. The recovered Gulangyu presents a confusing situation. The community function fades, the islanders live very inconvenient, the tourist industry also is not satisfactory, can only rely on the rising ticket price to maintain the situation. The current Gulangyu dilemma has caused many people to think about it. This paper attempts to explore the way out of Gulangyu administration system while absorbing the advantages of Gulangyu administration system during the concession period and combining with the actual situation of Gulangyu today. It is pointed out that Gulangyu needs to be repositioned, and some suggestions and suggestions for Gulangyu to get out of its predicament are put forward by drawing lessons from the management concepts and management methods of the time of democratization and rule by law of the Department of Industry of the United States and the United States.


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