[Abstract]:The history of Shanghai is a prominent study in the field of history in recent years, and the study of the concession has attracted much attention, which is due to the particularity of the status of the concession in Shanghai. Concession enjoys the right of independent municipal management, its public safety and social order are also concerned by many scholars, but the systematic research on the establishment, management and effectiveness of this security system is rare. The main material of this paper is the minutes of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Industry, (The Minutes of Shanghai Municipal Council), This paper focuses on the introduction, establishment and development of the western security order management system based on the development of western Europe in the late Qing Dynasty Shanghai public concession, and the emergence of the security order management system within the boundary. The development and management are systematically combed and analyzed, and the various aspects of the management system are expounded and studied. This paper is composed of four chapters: the first chapter gives a brief overview of the history of western public security management, and the current domestic and foreign academic research on this topic, at the same time, the research ideas of this paper. The material description and time selection are explained in detail, and the important concepts involved in this paper are clearly defined. The second chapter expounds the establishment and development of the public safety management system of Shanghai concession. As the fundamental law of Shanghai concession, the Land Charter gives the legal effect of the administration of industry to the public safety management of the concession. For the Ministry of Industry to promote and implement various safety management measures to provide effective legal protection. The Bureau of the Ministry of Industry transplanted the western security order management system to the concession, and combined with the actual situation in Shanghai, set up a security management agency, the cruise house, from the establishment to the development, and the composition of the personnel from European nationality to China, India, Japan and many nationalities. Formed a relatively perfect execution team; In order to improve the efficiency of house arrest and to stabilize the inspection and arrest team, the Bureau of Industry carries out various management to ensure the effective operation of the safety management of Shanghai Public concession. The third chapter discusses several aspects of the management of Shanghai concession public safety by the Ministry of Industry Bureau, and expounds the methods and management effects adopted by the Ministry of Industry Bureau to manage beggars, Chinese domestic servants and Chinese soldiers crossing the border. At the same time, the management measures taken by the Ministry of Industry on the key issues of prevailing concessions and disturbing the security order of concessions-gambling and prostitutes-were carried out in detail. The fourth chapter discusses the management of traffic safety in the concession. With the road from scratch to crisscross in concession, traffic safety management is increasingly important. This chapter discusses the traffic safety management of rickshaw and motor vehicle in accordance with the chronological sequence from the initial problem of training horses to the later management of traffic safety of rickshaws and motor vehicles. This paper expounds the work from these three aspects.
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