[Abstract]:The Taiwan Provincial Compiler Library is an important cultural institution set up in the early days of Taiwan's restoration with the purpose of compiling textbooks and other books, eliminating the influence of Japanese colonial rule for 50 years, and rebuilding Chinese culture in Taiwan. This institution has not existed for a long time, but because it is in an important period of cultural reconstruction in Taiwan, its significance and influence should not be ignored. This paper focuses on the origin, process and significance of Taiwan Studies carried out by Taiwan Provincial compiling Library. This paper holds that the study of Taiwan in the compiler library was first put forward by Xu Shoushang, who accepted the opinions of a group of mainland scholars. It was not originally intended to set up the library, but in this respect it was carried out quite smoothly. In particular, Xu Shoushang retained a group of Japanese scholars with Chen Yi's support and made use of Taiwan's local professionals, which soon formed an efficient research team. Xu Shoushang's proposal to carry out Taiwan studies in the library is related to his understanding of how to reconstruct Chinese culture in Taiwan after the war. At that time, he could distinguish the Japanese colonial rule from the academic achievements accumulated by scholars and discard it in the process of cultural reconstruction. This kind of rational thought and its action is very rare, which plays a connecting role in the later study of Taiwan.
【作者单位】: 福建社会科学院海峡文化研究中心;
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