[Abstract]:British occupation of Weihaiwei in 1898 began 32 years of colonial rule over Wei. As the first country in Europe to legislate and reform public health, the British government transplanted its perfect public health legal system, mature administrative system of health management and scientific epidemic prevention and control technology to Weihaiwei. With the aid of public health, a modern civilization, the colonial authorities gained the right to speak. The law system on public health in Britain's rented Weihai Wei is mainly legislated by the Chief Executive, among which the Public Health and Construction Act 1903, enacted by Lockhart during his term of office, is one of the most important public health Permeate all corners of the society, and the provisions are very detailed, very operational. The health law enforcement mechanism is perfect and the punishment is severe, so that the public health law can be carried out well. In the aspect of public health management system, the administrative system, headed by the Chief Executive, under the jurisdiction of the Zhenghua Department, the Deputy Chinese Affairs Department, the Medical Officer, the Health Officer and the Health Patrol, and so on, has been established. Both the Chief Executive and the Deputy Chinese Secretary have the power to formulate and promulgate public health regulations, while the Medical Officer is in charge of public health and ship inspection and quarantine matters throughout the region. As one of the most terrible public health problems for human beings, the epidemic disease threatens human life and health from time to time. During the lease of Weihaiwei, the British colonial government established epidemic notification, surveillance, quarantine and quarantine. The scientific and technological norms for the prevention and control of infectious diseases and the prevention and control of animals, as well as the planting of vaccines, and other powerful administrative measures, such as decrees, regulations and circulars, have raised public awareness of public health, effectively prevented and controlled the occurrence and spread of the epidemic, and its advanced concepts. Scientific prevention and control technology, even today, is very advanced. In terms of technology and system, the public health system led by Weiying colonial government is more scientific and effective than the traditional health management mode in China, and it reflects the progress of human civilization. It promotes the modernization of public health management and promotes the development of civilization. However, the public health management system established by Weiying government also has its obvious limitations, that is, it is deeply branded by imperialism and colonialism. Specifically, first, the setting up and management of public health in concessions mainly revolved around the needs of the colonial rulers' public health, and the Chinese could not enjoy advanced medical facilities or even forced relocation of their residences. The focus of medical and health care is on the commercial port district and Liu Gongdao where Westerners live, and the rural medical and health foundation is still weak; Second, the public health infrastructure lags behind and only improves the symptoms, which is the inevitable result of the colonial government's moderate and conservative concession policy; Third, the double standard of public health law exposed the strong colonization of public health management. Although it has a strong colonial color, as an input of civilization system, the public health management system of British rented Weihaiwei plays an important and positive role in raising public health awareness and accelerating Weihai's initial modern transformation. It is of great significance to study the management of public health in the period of British rent and to promote the modernization of urban public health.
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