[Abstract]:As a local chronicle with Chinese characteristics, it has a high value of collection and research. Not only is China regarded as a national treasure, but America, far across the ocean, has a special interest in Chinese locales. Because it is found by accident that the local chronicles of our country have very strong practical value and can give certain help in the economic activities, it has been the habit of collecting the local records of China early on. This paper takes this as an opportunity to sort out the collection, collation, research and utilization of Chinese local chronicles in American chronological order. In order to better and more comprehensive understanding of how they view China's local history. Only when we know ourselves and know our enemies can we win a hundred victories. The first part of this thesis is about the history of American central local chronicles. The second part is about American scholars' arrangement of Chinese local chronicles. This is convenient for us to find out. The third part is about the research of Chinese local chronicles by American scholars. Is in chronological order to write about their research survey for nearly 60 years. The fourth part describes the use of Chinese local chronicles by American scholars, mainly in monographs and doctoral theses. In the last part, I analyze why they put so much effort into Chinese local chronicles. Only a better understanding of each other, learn from each other, we can continue to progress, better promote the cause of Chinese local chronicles, please climb another high building. By looking up some monographs and papers of Chinese local chronicles which have been collected, studied and used by American scholars for nearly 60 years, the author reads and analyzes the viewpoints of these achievements, and makes a comparative analysis with the domestic academic research results.
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