[Abstract]:The flood season is a bilateral border management organization set up by China and France along the Sino-Vietnamese border, an important issue in the history of Sino-French relations and Chinese political system, and a direct consequence of the demarcation of Sino-Vietnamese border between China and France in modern times. The flood control institution on the border between China and Vietnam was established in the late Qing Dynasty and experienced the development and evolution of the period of the Republic of China. It witnessed the direct establishment of the relationship between China and France and the adjustment by the Qing court and the government of the Republic of China to the governance policy of the southwest frontier of China. Therefore, it is helpful to enrich the contents of the history of Sino-French relations and the history of modern Sino-Vietnamese relations, and is of great value in the study of modern Chinese political system history and the local history of Guangxi. At the same time, it is of great historical and practical significance to promote the border trade between Guangxi and Vietnam through the implementation of contemporary regional cooperation in Southeast Asia and the development plan of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. This paper systematically examines the background, process and responsibilities of the establishment of Guangxi flood-control institutions, the evolution of Guangxi's functions of flood-control institutions during the Republic of China, the perfection of the organization, and its role in the negotiation of foreign affairs and the construction of border government. In relation to Sino-French relations: the establishment of bilateral flood agencies on the Sino-Vietnamese border at the end of the Qing Dynasty was due to the turbulent border after the Sino-French war, threatening the rule of the French and Vietnamese authorities and the Qing court, and both reached consensus on the issue of suppressing the resistance of the peoples of the two countries. At that time, the Sino-French negotiations about the flood all revolved around the pursuit of the so-called "gangsters." On the other hand, because the French side is hostile to the Chinese side and does not want to die, Guangxi flood control institutions stationed in the border areas, promote the construction of border areas, objectively defend the integrity of the state's territorial sovereignty. As a result of the improvement of Sino-French relations during the Republic of China, although there were conflicts between the two sides of the flood season, more friendly dialogue, exchanges and cooperation were found, and the Guangxi section of the Sino-Vietnamese border was relatively peaceful. Therefore, from the bilateral negotiations with flood agencies, Sino-French relations have experienced two stages, from hostility in the late Qing Dynasty to easing in the Republic of China. In the construction of border government: from the function of Guangxi flood control institution, the flood control institution of late Qing Dynasty aims at military affairs and diplomacy. In the period of the Republic of China, in addition to its original duties, it also had judicial and administrative powers. The transformation of the function of flood control organization in Guangxi shows that the local government of Guangxi has made some achievements in carrying out the construction of border administration in accordance with the order of the central government of Nanjing. In response to the call of the national government to "the Anti-Japanese War and the founding of the people's Republic of China", the new Guangxi system, vigorously rectifying the provincial government and putting forward the slogan of "building China, reviving China", set off an upsurge in the construction of border areas in Guangxi. Guangxi has promoted the policy of integration with the mainland from the political, economic and cultural aspects to the flood control area, thus promoting the development and construction of the flood area, defending the frontier and consolidating the national defense. It has played an important role in the victory of the anti-fascist war in the whole country and the whole world. During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Guangxi flood control institutions carried the course of the transition from Sino-French relations to Sino-Vietnamese relations, which were inextricably related to each other. During the period of the Republic of China, the improvement of Sino-French relations promoted the friendly dialogue and exchange between China and France to the flood structures, objectively continued and strengthened the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Vietnamese people, and thus laid the foundation for the common destruction of French colonialism.
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