发布时间:2019-06-24 10:29
【摘要】:自1838年钱振伦中进士以后,吴兴钱氏家族开始超越地方宗法家族,而进入了一个文化家族自我成长的过程。在这个家族谱系中,第一代钱振伦与钱振常兄弟均以进士出身,出任京官,晚年又都长期执掌地方书院,观察他们的知识结构和人际网络是研究钱氏兄弟和重要视角;第二代中,钱恂以幕宾身分最后成为出使荷兰和意大利大臣,在戊戌维新运动、湖北的自强活动、近代的外交等诸领域都有一席之地。本文在对钱恂生平事迹考订的基础上,揭示其知识和思想的基本格局;钱恂的夫人单士厘精熟传统文史,掌握多国语言,对中西文史、艺术均有深厚造诣,是晚清著名女学者。纠正在现代化叙事中单士厘形象的偏移,说明其思想意识的复杂性是相关章节的主要任务。钱玄同是以激烈的反传统的形象载入近代思想史的,但他的学术研究和立身处事甚至思维方式又都带有难以抹去的传统立场,本文对他在新文化运动前后的思想变迁和国家观念的梳理分析意在揭示他的思想和思想所处时代的复杂多歧的特征。钱家第三代中,钱三强是新中国原子能事业的开创者之一,他的名字已成为新中国科学事业的代表和象征。从科学的非自主性出发,揭示科学和政治的复杂关系是有关对钱三强的分析的重点。此外,对于家族中的其他有一定影响的人物比如钱稻孙、钱仲联,论文也在相关部分进行了讨论。 近代文化家族的传延、断裂和消逝,反映的是近代社会巨大变迁之中,一种社会自组织机制的瓦解,其背后是社会组织结构、教育体制、学术体制、代际关系、代际意识诸方面的翻天覆地的变化。也正是在近代社会转型的背景下,失去了门阀士族制度、科举制度这些前近代社会中文化家族成立的制度基础,近代文化家族的意义才更加凸显,文化家族现象才尤其值得关注。
[Abstract]:Since Qian Zhenlun was a scholar in 1838, the Wu Xing Qian family began to surpass the local patriarchal clan family and entered the process of self-growth of a cultural family. In this family, the first generation of Qian Zhenlun and Qian Zhenchang brothers were born as Jing officials, and in their later years they both ran local academies for a long time. Observing their knowledge structure and interpersonal network was an important perspective to study the Qian brothers. In the second generation, Qian Xun finally became ministers to the Netherlands and Italy as guest guests, and had a place in the Reform Movement of 1898, Hubei's self-improvement activities, modern diplomacy and so on. On the basis of textual research on Qian Xun's life, this paper reveals the basic pattern of his knowledge and thought. Qian Xun's wife, Shan Shili, is proficient in traditional literature and history, master many languages, has profound attainments in Chinese and Western literary history and art, and is a famous female scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. Correcting the deviation of Shan Shili's image in modern narration shows that the complexity of his ideology is the main task of the relevant chapters. Qian Xuantong was loaded into the history of modern thought with a fierce anti-traditional image, but his academic research and even the way of thinking have the traditional position that can not be erased. This paper attempts to reveal the complex and diverse characteristics of his thoughts and thoughts before and after the New Culture Movement. In the third generation of Qian family, Qian Sanqiang is one of the pioneers of atomic energy in New China, and his name has become the representative and symbol of the scientific cause of New China. From the point of view of the non-autonomy of science, revealing the complex relationship between science and politics is the focus of the analysis of Qian Sanqiang. In addition, for other influential characters in the family, such as Qian Daosun and Qian Zhonglian, the paper is also discussed in the relevant parts. The spread, fracture and disappearance of modern cultural families reflect the earth-shaking changes in the social organization structure, education system, academic system, intergenerational relations and intergenerational consciousness in the course of the great changes of modern society, the disintegration of a social self-organization mechanism, and the transformation of social organization structure, education system, academic system, intergenerational relationship and intergenerational consciousness. It is also under the background of modern social transformation that the door valve scholar system has been lost, and the imperial examination system, which was the institutional basis for the establishment of the cultural family in the pre-modern society, the significance of the modern cultural family has become more prominent, and the phenomenon of the cultural family is particularly worthy of attention.
[Abstract]:Since Qian Zhenlun was a scholar in 1838, the Wu Xing Qian family began to surpass the local patriarchal clan family and entered the process of self-growth of a cultural family. In this family, the first generation of Qian Zhenlun and Qian Zhenchang brothers were born as Jing officials, and in their later years they both ran local academies for a long time. Observing their knowledge structure and interpersonal network was an important perspective to study the Qian brothers. In the second generation, Qian Xun finally became ministers to the Netherlands and Italy as guest guests, and had a place in the Reform Movement of 1898, Hubei's self-improvement activities, modern diplomacy and so on. On the basis of textual research on Qian Xun's life, this paper reveals the basic pattern of his knowledge and thought. Qian Xun's wife, Shan Shili, is proficient in traditional literature and history, master many languages, has profound attainments in Chinese and Western literary history and art, and is a famous female scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. Correcting the deviation of Shan Shili's image in modern narration shows that the complexity of his ideology is the main task of the relevant chapters. Qian Xuantong was loaded into the history of modern thought with a fierce anti-traditional image, but his academic research and even the way of thinking have the traditional position that can not be erased. This paper attempts to reveal the complex and diverse characteristics of his thoughts and thoughts before and after the New Culture Movement. In the third generation of Qian family, Qian Sanqiang is one of the pioneers of atomic energy in New China, and his name has become the representative and symbol of the scientific cause of New China. From the point of view of the non-autonomy of science, revealing the complex relationship between science and politics is the focus of the analysis of Qian Sanqiang. In addition, for other influential characters in the family, such as Qian Daosun and Qian Zhonglian, the paper is also discussed in the relevant parts. The spread, fracture and disappearance of modern cultural families reflect the earth-shaking changes in the social organization structure, education system, academic system, intergenerational relations and intergenerational consciousness in the course of the great changes of modern society, the disintegration of a social self-organization mechanism, and the transformation of social organization structure, education system, academic system, intergenerational relationship and intergenerational consciousness. It is also under the background of modern social transformation that the door valve scholar system has been lost, and the imperial examination system, which was the institutional basis for the establishment of the cultural family in the pre-modern society, the significance of the modern cultural family has become more prominent, and the phenomenon of the cultural family is particularly worthy of attention.
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