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发布时间:2019-07-06 16:31
[Abstract]:This paper makes a comparative study on the compilation and revision of the first round and the second round of the Industrial Records of Guangdong Province. A comparison of the overall design of the title. In terms of the structure of the title, the first round of the journal uses a small volume, and the second round uses the middle one; in terms of information, the first round is superior to the second round; in the aspect of integrity, the second round is better than the first round. 2. The comparison of the main body of the study. In the process of two rounds of revision, the administrative departments and industrial enterprises play different roles; the second round of industrial records, the industry society plays a more prominent role in the compilation and revision. A comparison of the progress of revision. Both rounds of industrial revision have stagnated to varying degrees, and there is a gap between the actual completion time and the planned completion time, except that the gap between the first round and the second round is even larger. The quality of the records is compared. Due to the different data sources of the two rounds of industrial records, the traces of the first round of departmental records are obviously heavier than those of the second round. Through the comparison, it also has some enlightenment to the future revision work. First, the structure of the middle part is more conducive to data collection and manuscript preparation; second, administrative departments, trade associations, enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes experts participate in the study of records, a diversified pattern of revision has been formed, we should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each subject; third, improving the quality of records can start from three aspects: extensive collection of data, strengthening of training personnel, strict examination and acceptance; Fourth, by strengthening the propaganda of local chronicles, revising the chronicles according to law, perfecting the incentive mechanism and doing a good job in the development and utilization of local chronicles, we should strengthen the motive force of the revision of local chronicles.
【作者单位】: 广东省史志办;


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8 闫晓U,




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