发布时间:2018-01-05 06:43
本文关键词:北宋“理学五子”的政治思想与实践 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:与赵宋王朝优礼士大夫的基本国策相辅相成,宋代的士大夫群体普遍具有“以天下为己任”的高度的政治主体意识。周敦颐、邵雍、张载和二程等“理学五子”作为宋代士大夫群体的代表人物,以“内圣外王”为宗旨,在将儒学发展到哲理化的新阶段,实现儒学历史性复兴的同时,也以“复三代之治”为旗帜,热切期盼着能将理学的政治思想实践于社会,报效赵宋王朝。 邵雍虽然一生远离官场,却以自身高尚的学行,在朝野皆享有盛名,并受到洛阳市民的尊敬和爱戴。其所到之处,百姓群集。邵雍借助这种优势,进行讲学等活动,还深入到民间社会,解决邻里矛盾,以之来逐渐实现自己移风易俗的社会主张。 周敦颐一生为官,他在地方官任上,始终是尽职尽责,擅于为当地民众解决刑事纠纷。他在治所还兴建学校,重视教育,并以此来改变民风。 张载提出了恢复井田、封建和宗法等“复三代之治”的政治构想,并致力于敦本善俗,使得关中地区“用礼渐成俗”,地方社会、文化面貌为之一新。 程颢在地方为官期间素有政绩,他整顿风俗,兴办教育,实行道德教化,并为百姓解决了许多的实际问题。他还一度积极参与王安石变法,以期“复三代之治”,实现天下太平的理想。尽管不久即与王安石分道扬镳,但他只是不赞成新法的具体举措,并不完全反对变革本身。程颐则侧重于学术研究,不求仕进,屡次谢绝授官,但他却视君主的圣德教劝为实现“三代之治”的关键,因而特别重视经筵的作用,愿意接受并以布衣出任官阶并不高的崇政殿说书一职,在给皇帝讲说书史、解释经义和作为顾问的一言一行中影响君主。在这一职位上,程颐事实上还比较积极地参与了当时的党争活动,并成为著名的“洛党”的领袖人物。 “理学五子”虽然从事政治实践的方法有所不同,形式也有差异,但“内圣外王”、学以致用的实践理性是一致的。从整体上看,由于具体的政治客观原因,“理学五子”以讲学和担任地方官为主,他们将政治理想的实现,主要寄托在地方的治理和改革上,他们在地方官任上,政治主体性和自觉性得到淋漓尽致地发挥,通常既是政绩卓著,又重视儒家伦理和文化教育建设。即便是讲学,也往往能够对当地社会发挥积极的实际影响力。这是“理学五子”政治思想与实践的可贵之处和价值所在。
[Abstract]:As the representative figure of the scholar - doctor group in the Song Dynasty , the scholar - doctor group in the Song Dynasty , as the representative figure of the scholar - doctors in the Song Dynasty , was the representative figure of the scholar - doctor group in the Song Dynasty . Shao Yong , while far away from the officialdom , has been famous in his own high school , and has been respected and loved by the people of Luoyang . As a result , the people cluster . Shao Yong , by means of this advantage , carries out his lectures and other activities , and goes deep into the civil society to solve the contradictions in the neighborhood and gradually realize its own social claims . Zhou Dunyi ' s life as an official , he is at the local magistrate , is always due diligence , is good at the local people to resolve the criminal dispute . He also built schools , paid attention to education , and thus changed the people ' s air . Zhang put forward the political conception of restoring the " complex three generations " of Jingtian , feudal and clan system , and devoted to the good custom of town , which made it a new one in the local society and culture . He also took an active part in Wang ' anshi ' s transformation to realize the ideal of " Three - generation " . He also took an active part in Wang ' anshi ' s transformation . He also took an active part in Wang ' anshi ' s transformation to realize the ideal of " Three - generation " . However , he took an active part in academic research , did not seek official career , repeatedly declined to teach officials , but he regarded the emperor ' s moral education as the key to the realization of " three generations of the rule " . In fact , Cheng Yi also actively participated in the Party ' s campaign at the time , and became the leader of the famous " Luo Party " . Although there are differences in the methods of political practice , the " Neo - Confucianism " is consistent in the form of practice . As a whole , because of the specific political objective reasons , the " Five Principles of Neo - Confucianism " plays a positive role in the administration and reform of the local government . They are usually not only the achievements of the political achievement , but also the Confucian ethics and cultural education .
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