本文关键词: 隋代墓志 典故 女性观念 出处:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文在研读500多方隋代墓志铭的基础上,摘录其中有关女性人物的典故进行综合考察,不但一一寻找每条典故的源流出处,同时参考传世文献记载来发掘隋代墓志铭所引用的典故的深层涵义,即隋代社会对女性在家庭角色中的理想化期许。由于隋代女性墓志大部分志主都是已婚女性,因此她们的活动被限定在“主内”的家族家庭范围中,因而其对女性的理想化主流观念仍然继承了传统思想,围绕着女性孝敬舅姑、依顺丈夫、慈育子女等方面,同时也十分偏重女性诸如家庭和睦、才学多识、道德品性、女子贞节观等方面的内容。隋代墓志铭引用典故的研究学界目前尚无专论,本文不仅据以探讨隋代墓志运用典故的情况,试图总结出典故在墓志中运用的某些规律和特点,亦将藉以进一步展开对隋代社会女性观念的讨论,以期为研究隋代社会女性问题做另一视角之探索。 全文的主体部分为上篇和下篇。 上篇题为“隋代墓志铭所见女性人物典故集释”。主要对隋代女性墓志中的人物典故进行排列、集释。并依时代顺序分为先秦女性人物典故、秦汉女性人物典故、三国两晋女性人物典故三个历史时期。通过整体的释证考察,考镜这些女性人物典故的源出及传承,总结出五个特点:一是寓意直白;二是典故中的人物大多出自古《列女传》和《后汉书·列女传》;三是常在志文对句中用典;四是隋代墓志运用典故没有固定的结构;五是用典与墓志主人的身份有着密切的联系。并对隋代墓志铭中每一时期的女性人物典故做了分析,力图将用典寓意与隋代社会政治经济与文化理念结合起来。 下篇题为“隋代墓志铭所见女性人物典故及其女性观念”。典故在传统文化背景下萌发,并以典籍记载的形式流传,在各个朝代不同的历史背景和思想文化的影响下,又赋予典故以鲜明的文化气质,因而对典故及其文化蕴含、社会理念的探寻成为研究典故的另一个重要方面。下篇即试图从墓志用典的角度去分析隋代社会之于女性在道德品质等方面的女性观念。在研究过程中,通过对墓志运用女性人物典故条目及内容的梳理、集释、分析,运用传世文献与隋代墓志铭互证的方法进行探究,从而总结出:隋代墓志铭在引用女性人物典故方面基本与封建社会对女性认识的主流观念相一致,更突出表现了女子博学有才、妇德妇功、慈母教子、夫妻相敬如宾、贞节守志等几个方面。其主要原因是由于隋代女性墓志大部分都是已婚妇女,因而隋代社会亦以女性“主内”的所谓“本分”而限定了对于女性的理想化期许或形成的女性观念。
[Abstract]:On the basis of reading more than 500 epitaph of Sui Dynasty, this paper abstracts the allusion of female characters for comprehensive investigation, not only to find the source of each allusion. At the same time referring to the ancient literature records to explore the Sui Dynasty epitaph quoted the deep meaning of allusions. Because most of the female epitaph in the Sui Dynasty are married women, their activities are limited to the family within the scope of the "master". Therefore, its idealized mainstream concept of women still inherited the traditional thought, around the female filial piety aunt, according to the husband, gentle children and other aspects, but also attached great importance to women such as family harmony, talent and knowledge. Moral character, the view of chastity of women, etc. There is no monograph in the study of epitaph citing allusions in Sui Dynasty, this paper not only discusses the use of allusions in the epitaph of Sui Dynasty. This paper attempts to summarize some laws and characteristics of the use of allusions in epitaph, and to further discuss the concept of women in the society of the Sui Dynasty, in order to explore another angle of view for the study of the social female problems in the Sui Dynasty. The main part of the thesis is the first part and the second part. The first chapter is entitled "the Sui Dynasty epitaph see female characters allusion set interpretation", mainly on the Sui Dynasty female epitaph of the characters in the arrangement, set interpretation, and according to the order of the times divided into the pre-Qin female characters allusions. Qin and Han dynasties female characters allusion, three historical periods of the three Kingdoms Jin Dynasty female characters allusion. Through the whole explanation investigation, the examination mirror these female characters allusion source and the inheritance, summarizes five characteristics: first, the implication is straightforward; The second is that most of the characters in the allusions are from the ancient "Biography of Women" and "the later Han Shu 路column female Biography"; Thirdly, it is often used in the syntactic pairs; Fourth, there is no fixed structure of epitaph in Sui Dynasty. Fifth, the use of epitaph and the identity of the epitaph owner has a close relationship, and the Sui Dynasty epitaph in each period of female characters to do an analysis. Try to use the meaning of the Sui Dynasty with the social, political, economic and cultural ideas. The second part is entitled "the allusion of female characters and their concept of women in the epitaph of the Sui Dynasty". The allusions germinated under the background of traditional culture and were circulated in the form of books and records. Under the influence of different historical background and ideology and culture of each dynasty, the allusions are endowed with distinct cultural temperament, and thus allusion and its cultural implication. The exploration of social ideas has become another important aspect of the study of allusions. The next part is to try to analyze the Sui Dynasty society from the perspective of epitaph to women in the moral quality and other aspects of the female concept. In the process of research. Through the use of the epitaphs of the female character allusions items and content combing, collection, interpretation, analysis, the use of ancient documents and the Sui Dynasty epitaph mutual identification method to explore. Thus summed up: the Sui Dynasty epitaph in quoting female characters allusions to the basic and feudal society to the mainstream concept of women, more prominent performance of women with erudite, women virtue, motherhood and godchild. The main reason is that most of the epitaph of women in the Sui Dynasty are married women. Therefore, the Sui Dynasty society also defined the idealized expectation or formation of the female concept by the so-called "duty" of the female "main body".
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