本文关键词: 唐蕃会盟碑 唐蕃关系 汉藏文化交流 汉藏佛教文化 唐代史 出处:《世界宗教研究》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:There is an important connection between the success of the Changqing Association of Tang and Tibetan Buddhism. After Tang Dezong became king, the ceremony of the Association changed significantly after taking the Shimizu Association as the starting point. The Buddhist influence permeates it. The ritual of the Shimizu Association mainly follows the old system, taking "the ritual of suiting the temple" as the most noble and solemn rite of vows. Both sides agreed to adopt the old custom of "swearing blood with the punishment of the sacrifice of blood". In line with the traditional custom of vows in Tubo and Han, it is precisely with this "old custom" can form the most striking contrast. The history background of this change is related to the change of Tibetan vows system. The second is related to the emergence of the new power clique-Sangha and the rapid rise of Sangha power under the praise of Tubo Zamu Chisongde Zan; Third, it is related to the frequent exchanges between Tibetan and Han Buddhism. At the time of the Changqing meeting, the Tibetan Buddhist monk demonstrated and mediated during the whole process of brewing, preparation, initiation and implementation. Making full use of religious forces to work together, in the choice of the venue of the Association, the setting of the procedure of the Association ceremony and other links have played a key role in guiding, showing a special plan and action. Objectively, it has also achieved a different long-term effect from other meetings.
【作者单位】: 四川大学中国藏学研究所;
【正文快照】: 今天矗立在拉萨市大昭寺门前的“唐蕃会盟碑”,是唐穆宗长庆三年(823)唐蕃双方为纪念长庆元年(821)双方会盟成功而树立的纪念碑,碑体各面遗存有用汉藏两种文字镌刻的碑文,(1)它不仅是历史上汉藏友好的象征,在唐蕃关系史和亚洲历史研究上也具有重要的学术意义。法国著名藏学家
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