本文选题:中国史 切入点:空间 出处:《学术月刊》2011年09期
[Abstract]:The abundant Neolithic archaeology reveals that the origin of civilization in China was starry, the eight directions rose, and the spectacular scenes of the world. The most active "Central Plains", where the tribal mix was mixed and intermingled with each other, was the most advanced region at that time. After the Yangtze River Valley came into second place, the situation of the Central Plains as the core of the realization of "Great Unification" and the realization of "Great Unification" after the destruction of the six countries by small, middle, and late Qin Shihuang came naturally. The spatial movement of history has not stopped. Relying on the vast space advantages of the "Great Unification," the ancient Chinese society experienced various difficulties, grappling with the huge space, and making up for the old lack of development with new development. Vitality has always been constant. To say that China's historical time has been "super stable" and frozen on a single node for two thousand years is a matter of knowing one or the other. To borrow the theory of social structural change, This is a kind of "path dependence" what kind of path to take at first, and what kind of path will be taken in the first place, the inertial force will make it glide along such a track, and it will be very difficult to change the course. Review the historical practice of "unification". There is much to digest for future generations, including internal and external responses, balance between the top and bottom, coordination between the central and local authorities, complementarity between centralization and decentralization, and so on. To say that for thousands of years China's "feudal economy has stagnated for a long time" is also an old concept that cannot stand refutation from historical facts. The Chinese have never lacked the ability to develop their economy. After 2000 years of "unification" of China, the social economy has always been in the process of development and change. The plot is very rich; but it is not a smooth journey. Development and non-development are two sides, and the hidden dangers that restrict the normal development of the economy cannot be eliminated. Therefore, only under the new historical conditions, Will restrict the further development of the economy, "cage" gradually removed, can open a new world.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学历史学系;
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