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发布时间:2018-04-03 22:28

  本文选题:秦汉之际 切入点: 出处:《河北大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】:“礼治”是以礼来治理国家约束百姓的一种体制或规范,它涉及到国家管理和社会生活的方方面面,我国古代的礼治思想源远流长。秦汉时期是我国发展的重要时期,秦汉之际(从秦朝到汉武帝初年确立“独尊儒术”止),是统治思想的变换时期,秦国到秦朝为富国强兵而推崇法家思想,“以法为教,以吏为师”,秦末社会秩序被打乱,汉初为适应休养生息,恢复和发展社会经济的需要而推行黄老,因此,整个秦汉之际礼治思想相对沉寂,但沉寂并不意味消亡,秦始皇虽然“焚书”、“坑儒”,但其统治思想中仍然包含着礼治的因素,礼治的核心观念即“别贵贱,明尊卑”,在始皇巡游各地留下的刻石中时有反映,这些刻石内容在思想方面的意义在于某种程度上揭示了那个时代的官方思想和价值观。而汉初儒生与黄老的不断交锋,主张复兴儒学、实施礼治,则更证明了礼治思想不仅仅作为一种学说被探讨,也必将作为重要的意识形态来参与国家政治生活。所以,对这一时期礼学、礼治思想进行研究,仍有重大价值。一方面可以使秦汉思想史的研究更加完善,具有重要的历史意义。另一方面,礼治作为一种调和社会关系的规范而言,具有重要的现实借鉴意义。 论文研究的主要内容包括:一是探讨礼的起源。远古时期,由于祭祀活动的兴起、习俗的积淀、止乱的需要、社会经济活动和交换行为规范化等,逐渐形成了各种仪式,促使礼的产生,因此,礼的起源是“一果多因”的。二是探讨先秦各家对待礼的态度。儒家尊礼,道家非礼,墨家批判儒家厚葬久丧的繁琐礼仪,法家一断于法,认为礼无益于富国强兵,但也不完全排斥礼的存在,商鞅、韩非等法家代表对礼各有所见。三是重点探讨汉初陆贾、叔孙通、贾谊、贾山、韩婴等反思秦政而提出的礼治主张。叔孙通定朝仪,陆贾作《新语》,贾谊著《新书》,竭力倡扬礼治,他们的共同努力,为汉初儒学的复兴奠定了基础。四是从普遍意义上来探讨由先秦到汉武帝初期礼经传承的基本脉络及“三礼”中的礼治思想。五是集中探讨董仲舒的礼学与礼治思想。董仲舒敬天尊儒,同时借鉴法家思想,在“三纲五常”中,将礼治思想打上了时代烙印,完成了儒家思想主要是礼治思想向统治思想的转变,奠定了儒家思想作为古代中国统治思想的基本格局。 对秦汉之际礼治思想进行研究目的有四:一是深入挖掘秦时的礼学思想,并分析其运用于实践的程度,主要依据《史记》、《汉书》、《秦会要》等典籍及现有相关研究成果,同时从秦国产生、发展的地理渊源及民俗学的角度寻求由秦国到秦朝统治思想中礼治因素的底蕴,以说明秦不仅仅重视刑罚、耕战,而且,“礼”在对社会的管理和控制中也起着相当重要的作用。通过这一研究,为秦汉之际思想史研究的系统性做进一步的探索。二是把思想放在历史发展的背景下来考察,说明不论是社会的动荡、整合,还是恢复、发展,礼从未被完全排斥于社会生活之外,这种生生不息的原因值得探讨,其社会稳定功能更值得借鉴。三是对秦汉之际儒家礼经的传承脉络进行梳理,周公制礼作乐,孔子继承周公之志,子夏为礼经的传承起了重要的桥梁作用,荀子继承并发展了孔子的礼学思想,贾谊对礼经既有发展又有创新,董仲舒最终使儒家礼治在政治指导思想上的主导地位得以确立。从这些贤哲的执着和努力中,能够看到思想文化传承中人的因素不可或缺,而继承同时的创新更加重要。四是对整个秦汉之际及其前后影响较大的著述中的礼学及礼治思想进行挖掘,对本身即为礼书的“三礼”将给予总结归纳;对“春秋三传”丰富的礼治思想给予研究,探讨其历史意义;对《淮南子》《吕氏春秋》等内容丰富的作品进行充分探讨,从中体会其对礼及礼治的论述。 秦汉之际的礼学与礼治思想在中国思想文化史上占据着重要地位。它奠定了中国封建政治思想意识形态和社会组织形式的基本格局。对其研究,不仅具有思想史的价值,而且具有现实意义。“礼”作为封建时代的意识形态,有其历史局限性,但其以礼整合社会、凝聚人心、传承文明、敦化风俗的文化功能,对于当今和谐社会建设仍有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:"Rite" is a kind of system or norms governing the country people's Lilly constraints, it relates to the national management and all aspects of social life in ancient China's Confucian thought has a long history. During the Qin and Han Dynasties is an important period for the development of our country, Qin and Han Dynasties (from the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty established the "Confucianism"), is the transformation period of ruling ideology, Qin to Qin Dynasty to fuguoqiangbing which respected the legalist thought of "law, the history", the end of the Qin Dynasty the social order was disrupted, the early Han Dynasty to recuperate, the recovery and development of social economy and the need to implement the yellow old, therefore, the political thought of Qin and Han Dynasty relatively quiet. But the silence does not die, although Qin Shihuang "book", but "pit ru" the ruling ideology still contains the core values of the factors, namely "Bie Guijian, Ming Emperor in the hierarchy", leaving around the parade The stone when reflect the significance of these stone content in thought is to some extent reveals the official ideology and value of that era. The early Han Confucian scholars and Huang Lao scholars, advocated the revival of Confucianism, the implementation of the ritual, more proved ritualthought not only as a kind of theory are discussed is an important ideology of the political life of the country. So, this period of ritual, of ritual politics, is still of great value. On the one hand can make the Han thought history is more perfect, is of great historical significance. On the other hand, the social relations as a harmonic standard. Has the important practical significance.
The main contents of this paper include: one is the origin of the ritual. In ancient times, due to the rise of ritual activities, customs accumulation, stop chaos, social economic activities and the exchange behavior standardization, gradually formed a variety of ritual ceremony, prompted the production, therefore, the origin of etiquette is "a fruit because" the two is to treat. Various pre Qin ritual attitude. Confucian propriety of Taoism, Mohist criticized Confucian etiquette cumbersome indecent assault, long burial funeral, Legalists by law, that is not conducive to Li Fuguojiangbing, but does not completely exclude the existence of the ceremony, Shang Yang, Han Fei and other representatives of Legalists ceremony have seen three. Discuss the early Han Jia Shu sun Tong, Jia Yi, Jia mountain, Qin and Han Ying review proposed by advocates. Shusun Rotundine toward the instrument, as a new Falluja < >, < > Jia Yi book, strongly advocating etiquette, their joint effort, for the revival of Confucianism laid the early Han Dynasty Four is the foundation. From the universal significance to study from the pre Qin to Han Dynasty early ceremony from basic context inheritance and "three" in Confucian thought. The five is focused on Dong Zhongshu's ritual and political thought. Dong Zhongshu Jing inside Confucianism, Legalism and reference, in the "Five Virtues", the Confucian thought on the mark of the times, the Confucianism is mainly Confucian thought to change ruling ideology, laid the basic pattern of ancient Confucianism as Chinese ruling ideology.
In the Qin and Han Dynasty, Confucian thought study has four purposes: one is to mine the Qin Dynasty Confucianism, and analyzes its application level, mainly based on historical records < > >, < < Qin to Han, so on books and the existing research results, at the same time from the state of Qin, the development of geography the origin and the perspective of folklore from Qin to Qin Dynasty ruled by seeking thought factors in the background, to illustrate the Qin not only attach importance to agriculture and war, and punishment, "the ritual" also plays an important role in the management and control of society. Through this research, further exploration of the system as the Qin and Han Dynasties to study the history of thought. The two is to put the ideas down in the history of the development of the background, explain whether social unrest, integration, or the recovery, development, Li has never been completely excluded from the social life, it explores the reasons for this life and growth in nature, the social stability Be more worth learning. Three of the Qin and Han Dynasty Confucianism through the inheritance of comb, the Duke of Zhou ritual music, Confucius inherited the Duke of Zhou Zhi, for the ceremony by the Xia inheritance plays an important role as a bridge, Xunzi inherited and developed Confucius's thought of rites, rites of Jia Yi by both development and innovation, Dong Zhongshu finally the Confucian dominant position in the political guiding ideology has been established. From these sages dedication and effort, can see the factors of the ideological and cultural heritage of people is indispensable, and inheritance and innovation is more important. The four is the Qin and Han Dynasties and its influential writings before and after the ceremony and the political thought of mining on itself is the book of Rites "three" will give the summary; give research on the "spring three" rich Confucian thought, explore the historical significance of Huainan; < sub > > < LuShiChunQiu Other rich works are fully explored, from the experience of the discussion of the ceremony and ritual.
Qin and Han Dynasties ritual and Confucian thought occupies an important position in the history of Chinese. It laid the Chinese feudal political ideology and social organization of the basic pattern. In the research, not only has the value of thought history, but also has practical significance. "The ritual" as a feudal ideology, the the historical limitations, but its integration with social cohesion, heritage of civilization, the cultural function of Dunhua customs, there is still a certain reference for the construction of a harmonious society.



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