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发布时间:2018-04-05 21:16

  本文选题:北魏 切入点:酷吏 出处:《扬州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:北魏酷吏作为一个特殊群体,其产生、发展均与北魏政治密切相关。与其他朝代酷吏相比,北魏酷吏群体表现出诸多“个性”。本文拟以此为切入点,探讨北魏酷吏群体特点及其成因,从一个侧面深化对北魏政治的认识和理解。 “酷吏”一词始于西汉,后为历代史家所沿用,但其涵义在汉唐之间颇有变化。基于此,本文第一部分拟对“酷吏”涵义在汉唐之间的演变加以梳理。在此基础上,对北魏酷吏的涵义进行界定,并对北魏酷吏群体成员的基本情况进行统计整理,以作为研究的基础性资料。 北魏疆域辽阔,民族构成、民族关系复杂,其核心则为胡汉关系。据统计数据可知,北魏酷吏群体成员构成中民族差异较为明显,本文第二部分着重考察北魏酷吏群体成员的民族构成及其在不同阶段的变化情况,进而探讨造成这些变化的原因。 作为北魏官吏队伍中的一个特殊群体,北魏酷吏的政治行为有一定共性,但由于人生阅历、家世背景、个人性格等方面存在差异,具体到每一个酷吏成员来说,他们所表现出来的行为又有较大差别。基于这种差异的客观存在,在对相关史料解读的基础上,根据为政动机、行为和表现,将北魏酷吏划分为“贪虐”型与“功用”型两类,本文第三部分即主要探讨这一问题。 官吏队伍的状况直接影响到政治的运作,而吏治之清明或腐败,根本上取决于政治制度的约束。政治制度的完善及其有效实施,有利于实现吏治清明,反之则容易造成吏治败坏,北魏酷吏之“贪秽狼藉”很大程度上在于制度的缺失。本文第四部分拟从班赏制度的兴废、俸禄制度具体实施情况等角度,探讨北魏酷吏“贪贿狼藉”的成因。另外,考虑到鲜卑族乃崛起于漠北的胡族,其民族文化性格对北魏政治的发展有较大影响,在探讨北魏酷吏“贪秽狼藉”成因时,也从鲜卑族之民族文化性格角度略加分析。 作为传统政治文化中的一种常见现象,酷吏屡见史乘,因此,分析酷吏现象,就必须考虑中国传统政治的特点及其指导思想等因素。研究表明,酷吏的产生与法家思想有着最直接的联系,法家以法治国、重刑重杀等思想主张,实为历代酷吏产生的思想根源。就北魏而言,情况又略有不同,主要表现为拓跋鲜卑尚武、尚功的民族文化性格,与法家严刑峻法思想的两相重叠,二者的重叠导致北魏确立了严酷的政风,从而成为北魏酷吏产生的温床。此外,随着司法实践中刑讯的广泛采用,北魏推出了保障刑讯的立法,为北魏酷吏施政提供法律基础的同时,更提供了制度保障。本文第五部分对此亦略加分析。 随着汉化程度的加深,北魏酷吏所表现出的“贪虐”引起统治阶层及社会民众的不满,本文结论部分在全面梳理前文研究思路和研究成果的基础上,对北魏后期整肃吏治的努力及其失败进行了分析,进而揭示北魏后期酷吏与皇权之间的“共生”依存关系。皇权崩溃,则无论循吏还是酷吏,都丧失了存在的依托,北魏酷吏随着北魏政权的灭亡而走向尽头。
[Abstract]:As a special group , Beiwei officials are closely related to the politics of the Northern Wei Dynasty . Compared with other dynasties , the Northern Wei officials have many " personalities . " This paper intends to probe into the characteristics and causes of Beiwei ' s officials , and deepen the understanding and understanding of the politics of the Northern Wei Dynasty from one side .

The first part of this article is to define the meaning of the " hot officials " in the Han and Tang dynasties . On the basis of this , this article defines the meaning of the officials in the Northern Wei Dynasty , and makes statistical analysis on the basic information of the members of the Northern Wei officials , so as to serve as the basic information of the study .

The second part of this paper focuses on the study of the ethnic composition of the members of the Northern Wei - officials group and their changes in different stages , and then probes into the causes of these changes .

As a special group in the ranks of Beiwei officials , the political behavior of the Northern Wei officials has a certain commonness , but because of the existence of life experience , family background , personal character and so on , there is a great difference between them . Based on the explanation of relevant historical materials , based on the explanation of relevant historical materials , according to the motive , behavior and performance of the government , the Beiwei officials are divided into " greedy " type and " utility " type , and the third part of this paper mainly discusses the problem .

The fourth part of this paper is to discuss the causes of corruption and corruption of Beiwei ' s officials . In addition , the fourth part of this paper is to discuss the causes of corruption in Northern Wei - officials .

As a common phenomenon in the traditional political culture , the cruel officials often see the historical multiplication , so it is necessary to take into consideration the characteristics of traditional Chinese politics and its guiding ideology .

With the deepening of the degree of Han and the dissatisfaction of the ruling class and the society , the conclusion part of this paper analyzes the efforts and failures of the officials in the later stage of the Northern Wei Wei Dynasty , and then reveals the " symbiotic " dependency between the officials and the imperial power in the later stage of the Northern Wei Wei Dynasty .



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