发布时间:2018-04-15 13:29
本文选题:《契丹国志》 + 史源疏证 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 辽朝是由兴起于我国北方的契丹民族建立的草原帝国,在中国历史上占有重要地位,而有关记载辽朝历史的史书,现今所存数量稀少,除官修史书《辽史》外,当属成书于宋元之际的《契丹国志》。这是一部以契丹民族所建政权为记述主体的史书,具有鲜明的时代特点和较高的史料价值。通过以《契丹国志·太祖传》和《世宗传》为例对此书史料来源的系统分析可知:其史料来源最重要者是《资治通鉴》,其次是《新五代史》,同时还参考了当时所能见到的宋元其它相关文献。以往的研究,曾经有人对《国志》的作者称赏有加而许为良史,也曾有人指责其水平偏低,机械抄书,并不具备史家的基本素质。所以出现这种情况,较为合理的解释是:《国志》并非出于一人之手,而是水平不一、良莠杂陈的多人合作的结果。如此说不误,则《契丹国志》为南宋秘书丞叶隆礼修撰之说,便显得十分不可信。在以往的治史观念中,人们大多都认为《通鉴》和《五代史》之于研治辽史,并不属于直接史料。但在今本《辽史》记事十分简略而荒疏的现实条件下,据五代史臣所遗史料而成书的《资治通鉴》、《五代史》等中原文献关于五代之际(即辽朝早期)北方边患契丹史事的记载,严格意义上说来,也属于“当时人叙当时事”范围,其史料价值,并不比《辽史》逊色多少。这就是前文分析过程中以常发现的脱胎于《通鉴》、《旧、新五代史》等书的《国志》记事,往往与《辽史》吻合,且个别情况下,还显得胜于《辽史》的深层原因。
[Abstract]:Liao Dynasty is a grassland empire established by Qidan nationality rising in the north of our country. It occupies an important position in Chinese history. However, there are few historical books about the Liao Dynasty, except the official historical book "Liao History".When the book was written in the Song and Yuan dynasties, Qidan National Chronicles.This is a historical book with the regime built by Qidan nationality as the main body, with distinct characteristics of the times and high historical value.Based on the systematic analysis of the sources of historical materials in this book, such as the Zhuan of the State of Qidan and the Biography of Shizong, we can see that the most important source of historical data is "Zizhi Tong Jian", followed by "History of the New five dynasties", and reference is also made at that time.Other relevant documents in Song and Yuan dynasties.In previous studies, some people have praised the authors of "National Records" for their praise and Xu Weiliang's history. Others have also accused them of being on the low side, copying books mechanically, and not having the basic qualities of historians.Therefore, the more reasonable explanation for this situation is that the "national spirit" is not the result of one person's hand, but the result of multi-person cooperation of different levels, mixed good and bad.If this is correct, it is not credible to write this theory for the secretary of the Southern Song Dynasty, Ye Longli.In the past ideas of governing history, most people think that "General Jian" and "History of five dynasties" are not direct historical materials in the study of Liao's history.However, under the realistic condition that the history of the Liao Dynasty is very simple and sparse, according to the historical materials of the five dynasties, such as "Zizhi Tong Jian" and "the History of the five dynasties" and so on, the history of the northern side of the five dynasties (that is, the early Liao Dynasty) is recorded in the Central Plains documents about the history of the northern side of the five dynasties (that is, the early Liao Dynasty).Strictly speaking, it also belongs to the scope of "people at that time telling things at that time", and its historical value is not inferior to that of Liao Shi.This is the reason why the chronicles of "National Records", which are often found in books such as "General Jian", "Old" and "New History of five dynasties", are consistent with "Liao History", and in some cases, it is better than "Liao History" in some cases.
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