发布时间:2018-04-22 16:44
本文选题:秦汉 + 士人 ; 参考:《河南大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:隐逸思想,是士人所含有的隐逸指向(价值取向)的观点、看法、心态甚至倾向性等等。隐逸思想作为仕进思想的对立补充思想,区别于士人传统的、主流的入世思想,是在一定的历史条件下所形成的一种出世的价值取向。隐逸思想的产生,根源于对现实无力改变而又不甘与此共同堕落的逃避与对抗。 中国古代社会存在的“泛政治化”倾向使得即使是作为与仕进思想相对立补充的隐逸思想,它的产生、发展与变化都与中国的政治变迁有着重要的关联。秦汉时期,是我国专制体制的初建及完善时期。这一时期的社会政治形势与前代相比,发生了重大的变化。社会形势的变化使得这一时期士人隐逸思想的发展也受到了巨大的影响。 秦汉时期士人隐逸思想的发展,与当时的政治发展密切相关,在不同的历史阶段,也表现出各自不同的特点。 秦及汉初,专制体制初建,大一统国家的形成,对士人形成了巨大的吸引力,士人普遍表现出参与政治的热情,积极用世的思想在这一时期占据了士人思想的主导,隐逸思想一直都不曾得到较大的发展。但是,,伴随着统一国家的形成及其在政治、经济、文化、思想等方面的一统倾向,极端的集权及专制体制给士人带来了前所未有的压力,因皇权专制而带来的对自身命运的不可操控,使得士人在积极用世的期望得不到实现时,隐逸的情怀便应运而生。因此,专制体制形成的初期,虽然积极用世的思想占据了士人思想的主导,但在这一过程中,士人的隐逸思想也在潜在的存在与发展着。 西汉中期以来,专制体制得到了进一步的巩固与完善,士人普遍被纳入官僚体制中,官方统一意识形态也在逐渐形成,专制体制的完善使士人自由游走的政治空间进一步缩小。学、仕、禄三者的结合使士人被体制牢牢控制,士人一方面表现出因政治空间缩小而产生的压力感,并由此而导致隐逸思想的出现;另一方面,士人普遍表现出欲隐而不舍,虽客观存在隐逸倾向但却并无真正隐逸行为的特点。士人在仕与隐两种不同的选择中,不断地与体制的发展相调适,出现了东方朔的“朝隐思想”,成为隐逸思想发展史上的一大流变。 西汉后期,随着社会动荡的加剧及西汉王朝的由盛而衰,出现了秦汉国家一统以来的第一次隐逸高潮。这一时期士人隐逸思想的产生既有传统隐逸思想的影响,同时也开始受到“不仕二姓”观念影响,表现出了统一国家意识在士人心中的影响。隐逸思想也因此受到国家意识的干预,东汉前期奖励名节,倡导隐逸的行为,便是政府有意将隐逸人物及其思想纳入到国家控制中来的有效尝试,而这也进一步增加了隐逸与政治之间的联系。此后,在王朝的更替时,士人的隐逸不出,其思想与行为中便包含了对前政权的忠诚,这恰是国家有意识倡导的结果。这种变化在一定程度上消解了隐逸思想中所含有的对抗精神。 在政府的提倡与奖励中,东汉一朝的隐逸风气甚为盛行,隐逸人物的数量远远超过了西汉,且贯穿于东汉王朝的各个时期。东汉政府对隐逸人物精神气节的提倡,一方面促进了东汉士人重名节的风气,真正的隐逸之士得到了世人的礼敬;但同时也造成了一些士人借隐逸以求名、求利的假隐现象的出现,成为隐逸思想发展上的一大流弊。 东汉后期的党锢之祸及东汉政权的瓦解,消解了统一国家对士人所形成的巨大向心力,隐逸思想在这一时期更多地表现为一种对政权的有意识的疏离。这也迫使他们在隐逸中重新思考人生的意义,士人的自我意识在这一时期逐渐开始觉醒。士人自我意识的觉醒最终使得隐逸思想中所蕴含的独立与自由的内在价值得到了的体现,这为隐逸思想在魏晋时期的进一步发展提供了重要条件。
[Abstract]:It is the viewpoint , the view , the mentality and even the tendency of the scholar ' s implicit pointing ( value orientation ) , which is the opposite supplementary thought of the official thought , which is different from that of the scholar ' s traditional and the mainstream , and is a kind of value orientation which is formed under certain historical conditions . The emergence of the hidden thought is rooted in the escape and confrontation that the reality cannot change but not the common degeneration .
The tendency of " pan - political " in ancient Chinese society makes it important to the political change of China even if it is an escape thought which is complementary to the official thought .
During the Qin and Han Dynasties , the development of the Taoist temple thought was closely related to the political development at that time , and different characteristics were also shown in different historical stages .
At the beginning of the Qin and Han Dynasty , the formation of the special system , the formation of the first - generation countries , the great attraction to the scholar , and the general tendency of the scholar to participate in politics have never received great development . However , with the formation of the unified country and the political , economic , cultural , ideological and so on , the hidden thoughts have never been developed .
Since the middle of the Western Han Dynasty , the authoritarian system has been further consolidated and improved , and the official uniform ideology has been gradually formed , and the official uniform ideology has been gradually formed , and the perfection of the authoritarian system further narrows the political space that the scholar is free to walk .
On the other hand , there is a general tendency of the scholar to express his desire to hide , but there is no real stealth behavior . In the two different choices , the scholar constantly adapts to the development of the system , and has developed the " Chao Yin Thought " of the Eastern Han Dynasty , which has become a great rheology in the history of the development of the ideology .
In the late Western Han Dynasty , with the intensification of the social unrest and the rise and decline of the Western Han Dynasty , the first stealth climax of Qin and Han Dynasty appeared .
In the government ' s advocacy and reward , Eastern Han Dynasty ' s escape was very popular , the number of stealth characters was far more than that of Western Han Dynasty , and throughout the period of Eastern Han Dynasty .
But at the same time , it also causes some scholars to seek fame and gain the hidden phenomenon of the hidden phenomenon , and become a major disadvantage in the development of the thought of stealth .
In the late period of Eastern Han Dynasty , the Party ' s imprisonment and the collapse of the Eastern Han regime have eliminated the great centripetal force formed by the unified country to the scholar , and the hidden thought is more than a conscious alienation of the political power during the period . The awakening of the self - consciousness of the scholar finally leads to the reflection of the intrinsic value of the independence and freedom contained in the thought , which provides an important condition for further development in the period of Wei and Jin Dynasties .
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