发布时间:2018-04-23 14:26
本文选题:古代 + 嗜好性作物 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国嗜好性作物历史悠久,与其他经济作物水乳交融,兴衰与共,构成了中国独特的农业文化与农业技术体系。但嗜好性作物的商品性、上瘾性、刺激性、毒害性等特殊性质,决定了其与其他经济作物不同,在活跃古代商品经济,繁荣古代人民物质文化生活和精神文化生活的同时,也带来了一系列的矛盾和冲突。因此,探讨嗜好性作物在中国古代社会中所扮演的角色及其在中国古代农业经济中的发展状况和历史地位,分析基于这种状况下的古代政府管理政策,探究嗜好性作物与中华礼仪文化不可分割的交融性,对于促进当今嗜好性作物的生产和商品交换,重新审视嗜好性作物的政府管理政策,繁荣嗜好性作物在社会礼仪中的文化内涵,推动嗜好性作物的历史文化研究等均具有重要的理论和实践价值。 首先,本研究立足中国古代历史文献,对嗜好性作物的古代名实做了系统的考辨。在此基础上初步考证了中国古代嗜好性作物开始加工为嗜好品消费的最早历史记录。嗜好性作物开始作为嗜好品消费同时,面临着加工难题,本文又对嗜好性作物的加工技术进行了全面的历史考察,嗜好性作物加工为嗜好品经历了漫长的发展过程,中国古代劳动人民在长期的生产实践过程中,不断创新和实践,不断提高嗜好品的品质,使嗜好性的加工技术不断朝精细化、科学化方向发展。 其次,嗜好性作物是农业中最先走向商品化生产的部门。本文立足历史文献,在梳理中国古代嗜好性作物商品化生产历史状况的基础上,总结出在嗜好性作物商品化长期历史发展过程中,对中国社会经济产生了深远的影响:一、它加速了中国农民同市场的联系,促进了农产品的商品化,壮大了中国古代商品经济的力量,孕育了中国早期的资本主义萌芽,甚至到了近代时期,茶和罂粟又将中国推向了早期的世界资本主义市场。二、它带动了中国古代手工业和交通运输业等行业的发展。三、增加了政府财政收入。四、加速了我国经济重心的南移。 再次,中国古代长期保持着一种独特的嗜好性作物管理模式,即“榷”、“税”、“贡”三方面的管理体系。“榷”开始于唐文宗太和九年,“税”开始于唐德宗建中元年,“贡”则开始于周武王克殷后的巴国纳贡。“榷”、“税”、“贡”三方面的管理体系满足了上层统治者的享乐需求,增加了政府的财政收入,同时客观上维护了社会稳定,有效保证了专制主义中央集权的发展。 最后,嗜好性作物在古代社会生活中扮演了不可或缺的角色,它在中国古代礼仪文化中发芽生根,与中国传统的婚聘、待客、祭祀、宗教等礼仪文化融合在一起,不可割裂。在形成独具特色的嗜好性作物礼仪文化的过程中,嗜好性作物也被寄予了特殊的文化内涵。如槟榔在婚聘中赋予“槟”从“宾”,“榔”从“郎”的特殊文化内涵。
[Abstract]:China has a long history of addictive crops, which blend with other cash crops, rise and fall together, and form a unique agricultural culture and agricultural technology system in China. However, the special properties of hobby crops, such as commodity, addictive, stimulative and toxic, determine that they are different from other cash crops in that they not only activate the ancient commodity economy, but also prosper the material and cultural life and spiritual and cultural life of the ancient people. Also brought a series of contradictions and conflicts. Therefore, this paper probes into the role of predilection crops in the ancient Chinese society and their development and historical status in the ancient agricultural economy of China, and analyzes the ancient government management policies based on this situation. To probe into the inseparability of hobby crops and Chinese etiquette culture, to promote the production of hobby crops and the exchange of commodities, and to re-examine the government management policies of hobby crops, It is of great theoretical and practical value to flourish the cultural connotation of hobby crops in social etiquette and to promote the study of history and culture of hobby crops. First of all, based on the ancient Chinese historical literature, this study made a systematic research on the ancient names of hobby crops. On this basis, the earliest historical records of the beginning of processing hobby crops as hobby products in ancient China are preliminarily verified. As hobby crops begin to consume as hobby products, at the same time, they are faced with difficult processing problems. This paper also makes a comprehensive historical investigation on processing technology of hobby crops, and the processing of hobby crops has experienced a long process of development. In the long process of production practice, the laboring people in ancient China constantly innovated and practiced, improved the quality of hobby products, and made the processing technology of hobby more refined and scientific. Secondly, hobby crops are the first sector in agriculture to be commercialized. Based on the historical documents and the historical situation of commercialization and production of hobby crops in ancient China, this paper concludes that in the long history of commercialization of hobby crops, it has had a profound impact on China's social and economic development: 1. It accelerated the connection between Chinese farmers and the market, promoted the commercialization of agricultural products, strengthened the strength of China's ancient commodity economy, gave birth to the early germination of capitalism in China, and even reached the modern period. Tea and opium poppy pushed China back to the early world capitalist market. Second, it promoted the development of ancient Chinese handicraft industry and transportation industry. Third, increased government revenue. Fourth, accelerated our country's economic center of gravity to move southward. Thirdly, in ancient China, there was a unique management system of "discussion", "tax" and "tribute" for a long time. "discussion" began in nine years of Taihe of Tang Wenzong, "tax" began in the first year of the founding of Tang Dezong, and "Gong" began to receive tribute from Ba Guojun after Ke Yin, king of Zhou Wu. The management system of "discussion", "tax" and "tribute" satisfies the demand for enjoyment of the upper rulers, increases the government's financial revenue, and objectively maintains social stability and effectively guarantees the development of authoritarian centralization. Finally, hobby crops played an indispensable role in the ancient social life. They took root in the ancient Chinese etiquette culture and merged with the traditional Chinese ritual culture, such as marriage, hospitality, sacrifice, religion and so on. In the process of forming a unique ritual culture of hobby crops, hobby crops are also placed on special cultural connotations. Betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut, betel nut and betel nut.
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