本文选题:使者 + 唐诏关系 ; 参考:《云南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:使者来往是我国古代民族关系的重要组成部分,传递着中原王朝和边疆民族政治、经济和文化上的信息。而目前学术界在对唐朝和边疆民族使者往来的研究中,鲜有研究唐诏使者往来的专论。鉴于此,本文选取南诏与唐的使者往来作为研究对象,在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,以唐诏使者往来为研究角度探讨唐诏关系。 在对唐朝和周边各族使者进行概述后,本文主要从三个方面对南诏和唐朝使者往来进行研究。一是在对方国瑜先生《南诏信使录》校正、补充和整理的基础上,依据史料记载的时间顺序,对南诏与唐使者的往来活动进行整理。二是从使者的使命、使者的待遇、使者带去的文书名称等以往被学术界忽略的角度探究唐诏关系及其性质。三是以唐诏使者往来为线索,从唐诏政治、经济、文化等方面的交流来探讨唐诏关系。 通过对南诏与唐使者往来的研究,本文得出以下观点和看法: 第一,通过对南诏与唐使者往来活动的整理,粗略统计出,自公元738年至公元902年南诏与唐的使者往来共118次,使者往来贯穿唐诏关系始终。 第二,通过对唐诏使者的使命、待遇、带去的文书名称等的分析,笔者认为,唐诏关系总体上是以和为主的。天宝战争之前,南诏是唐王朝版图内的一个羁縻政权。在其附吐蕃期间,它是西南地区的一个局部政权。唐诏会盟后,南诏具有相对的“独立性”,它不再是唐朝统治下的地方势力,而是奉唐朝为正朔的藩属国。虽然南诏曾想把与唐的臣属关系变为兄弟之国或甥舅之国的关系,但被唐朝拒绝。因此,南诏始终在中国历史发展的整体之内。 第三,分析使者是唐诏政治、经济和文化的“活载体”,笔者认为,使者在加强边疆与中原的联系等方面做出的贡献是巨大的,以此更进一步说明南诏的政治、经济、文化与唐朝是紧密联系着的,始终在中国整体之内发展。
[Abstract]:The exchange of emissaries is an important part of the ancient ethnic relations in China, which conveys the political, economic and cultural information of the Central Plains Dynasty and the frontier nationalities. However, in the current academic research on the exchanges between Tang Dynasty and frontier ethnic emissaries, there are few monographs on the exchanges between Tang Dynasty and frontier ethnic emissaries. In view of this, this paper selects the exchange of emissaries between Nanzhao and Tang Dynasty as the object of study, on the basis of absorbing the previous research results, discusses the relationship of Tang Chao with the exchange of envoys of Tang Dynasty. After summarizing the emissaries of the Tang Dynasty and its surrounding nationalities, this paper mainly studies the communication between the emissaries of Nanzhao and the Tang Dynasty from three aspects. First, on the basis of the correction, supplement and arrangement of the Nanzhao Messenger, Mr. Yu of the other side, and according to the chronological order of historical records, the activities of the exchanges between Nanzhao and Tang emissaries were arranged. The second is to explore the relationship and nature of Tang edict from the mission of emissary, the treatment of emissary, the name of instrument brought by emissary and so on. The third is to discuss the relationship of Tang Zhao from the exchange of politics, economy, culture and so on. Through the study of Nanzhao and Tang emissaries, this paper draws the following viewpoints and opinions: First, through sorting out the activities of Nanzhao and Tang emissaries, the rough statistics shows that from 738 AD to 902 AD, there were 118 exchanges between Nanzhao and Tang emissaries, and the exchanges between emissaries and emissaries ran through the relationship between Tang Chao and Tang Dynasty. Second, through the analysis of the mission, treatment, and the names of the documents, the author thinks that the relationship between Tang Zhao and Zhao is mainly and mainly. Before the Tianbao War, Nanzhao was a Jimi regime in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. During its period of Tubo attachment, it was a local regime in southwest China. After the Tang Dynasty, Nanzhao had relative independence. It was no longer a local power under Tang Dynasty, but a subordinate state of Zhengshuo. Although Nanzhao tried to change his relationship from Tang to brother or nephew, it was rejected by Tang Dynasty. Therefore, Nanzhao has always been in the overall development of Chinese history. Third, analyzing that the emissary is the "living carrier" of Tang Zhao's politics, economy and culture. The author believes that the envoy's contribution to strengthening the connection between the frontier and the Central Plains is enormous, thus further explaining Nanzhao's politics and economy. Culture and the Tang Dynasty are closely linked, always within the overall development of China.
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