本文选题:春秋 + 客卿 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: “客卿”的定义有广义与狭义之分,多年来学者多拘泥于狭义的定义,因而关于客卿的研究也就基本上局限在战国时期,这就很难弄清客卿的起源、客卿制度发展的脉络,所以本文拟采用广义的客卿定义。客卿首先具备的条件是“客”,其起源很可能与宗法制有关,即客卿的最早形态可能是宗法血缘之外的人,殷末周初周公制礼作乐,早期客卿也因此有了制度化萌芽倾向,但是随着周代宗法分封制的实行,政治和文化的统一又把这种萌芽消弭掉了。 步入春秋,各国纷争,客卿再次活跃起来。客卿的划分标准也由血缘差异逐渐转变到地域差异,这时期的客卿才成为真正意义上的客卿。春秋时期的客卿数量多,成分复杂,但主要还是以出奔贵族为主。“尊贤尚功”是春秋时期客卿的任用原则,春秋时期的客卿任用方式多样,不拘一格,灵活实用,其在授爵、封邑方面都有一定的参考标准,鉴于客卿的作用巨大,各国统治者都有一套限制异国的客卿的措施,这也从另一个方面说明任用客卿现象在春秋时期已经达到了规划化、制度化水准。随着春秋后期社会的变迁,客卿制度也发生了一系列变化,这些变化直接促成了战国时期客卿制度成熟。春秋时期的客卿制度在瓦解宗法封建制,推动中央集权的官僚体制的建立,尤其在文化传播方面发挥了重要作用。
[Abstract]:The definition of "Hak-Qing" has broad and narrow sense. For many years, scholars have stuck to the narrow definition, so the study of Hak-ching is basically confined to the warring States period, which makes it difficult to understand the origin of Hak-ching and the context of the development of the system of Hak-ching. Therefore, this paper intends to adopt a broad definition of guest-ching. Hak-ching 's first condition is "guest", and its origin is probably related to the patriarchal system. That is, the earliest form of Hak-ching may be someone other than patriarchal lineage. In the late Yin and early Zhou dynasties, there was a tendency for the early Hak-ching to be institutionalized and sprout. However, with the implementation of the patriarchal system of the Zhou Dynasty, the unity of politics and culture eliminated the germination. Stepping into the Spring and Autumn period, various countries disputes, the guest-Qing again active. The classification standard of Hakqing gradually changed from the difference of blood relationship to the regional difference, and it was only in this period that Hak-qing became the real Hak-Qing in the sense. In the Spring and Autumn period, the number of guest-Qing was many and the composition was complex, but the main reason was to leave the aristocrats. "respect the virtuous and the meritorious service" is the appointment principle of the guest Qing in the Spring and Autumn period. During the Spring and Autumn period, the guest Qing had various ways of appointment, was flexible and practical, and had certain reference standards in the aspect of conferring the honor and sealing the city. In view of the great role of the guest Qing, The rulers of all countries have a set of measures to restrict the foreign guest, which also shows that the phenomenon of appointing guest has already reached the level of planning and institutionalization in the Spring and Autumn period. With the social changes in the late Spring and Autumn period, a series of changes took place in the Hak-Qing system, which directly contributed to the maturity of the Hak-Qing system in the warring States period. In the Spring and Autumn period, the Hak-Qing system played an important role in breaking down the patriarchal feudal system and promoting the establishment of a centralized bureaucratic system, especially in the field of cultural dissemination.
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