[Abstract]:The six towns are the main social organization form of the north tribe, and implement the "Hu Hua" society of the military town system management. The town is the military, political and economic center of the six towns. The six towns, which dominate the social order of the six towns, are divided into two categories: one is the Liang Jia Hao Shuai, who is the core force who ruled the six towns in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the other is the Liang Jiahao who holds the power of the army towns; the other is to take charge of the army and the source of the army. As conquerors moved to the six towns of the Kaoche and other northern tribes handsome. Liangjia Hao Shuai mostly came from the middle and lower levels of the Northern Wei ruling group, after moving into six towns, he has become the commander of the frontier land confined to the six towns. A series of Sinicization reforms, such as moving capital to Luoyang, did not reduce the political status of Liangjia Haoshuai's army, but it also made its group unable to join the ranks of the patriarchal clan by taking the rank of Guan Jue. For the majestic northern tribes, such as Gaocha, a few powerful forces in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Sinicization reform meant a sharp decline in the political status of their groups in the Northern Wei Dynasty countries and military towns. The tribalization of six towns, "Hu Hua", militarization of the regional characteristics, make it impossible to change the state, on the contrary, it has become the military town system to maintain and strengthen the region. The township is the space and scope of its own residence and influence, and the joint ties among the handsome, the townspeople and the tribes.
【作者单位】: 江苏师范大学历史学院;
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