[Abstract]:In the speech system of people in the Spring and Autumn period, "doctor" has three meanings: general reference to Qing and doctor; indeed to the state of the state; to the rank of doctor itself. In the period of Lu Yin Gong, there was no special distinction between "Qing" and "doctor", and its usage was preserved in the Chun Qiu Ching Ching Ching Jing. Since the period of Duke Huan, the aristocratic forces of the Spring and Autumn dynasties have been increasingly proliferating and expanding, and the concept of hierarchical subordination has been strengthened. The internal division gradually intensified and began to consciously distinguish "Qing" from the usual "doctor"; at the latest, as a fixed term with fixed connotations, "Qing doctor" was used as a general reference to princes. The patriarchal aristocracy above the scholars is the reflection of the hierarchy differentiation and the social ethical change in the Spring and Autumn period. The influence of this change on the social nature and social structure is based on the change of the connotation of "Chinese". Generally speaking, in the Spring and Autumn period, "Chinese" can refer to "Qing", "doctor", "scholar", but in the case of "Qing", "doctor", "Chinese" mainly refers to the lower class doctor and "scholar". Spring and Autumn warring States to fall, "Chinese" has become a synonym for the general public. This is not only the historical inheritance of language connotation, the change of times and new Fu of connotation, but also the reflection of the historical changes of social structure and cultural form in human language.
【作者单位】: 成都理工大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目《春秋楚国公族社会研究》(项目批准号13CZS007) 2016年成都理工大学廉政与社会发展研究所资助课题《汉代少吏与社会治理研究》(项目编号:2016UTLZB007)
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