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发布时间:2018-09-12 10:35
【摘要】:北魏少数民族政权从部落联盟起家,通过不断征伐逐步建立封建国家政权。在这个过程中,旧有的传统习惯、原有的习惯势力深深地影响着北魏政权的发展方向和方式。妇女在部落军政事务中具有一定的发言权。母后的势力在加强皇权斗争的过程中,其崇高的地位使得拓拔氏这种政治结构中皇权无绝对的权威。女主的权力是非常之大,往往控制了中央政权,这种政治格局对君主专政中央集权制的形成具有很大的影响,并且对北魏政权的运行有着深远的影响。 北魏是鲜卑拓跋部政权,从氏族部落联盟时期进入中原,受中原已有的封建君主专制主义中央集权制国家的影响,其政权在建立过程中,迅速封建化,按照封建国家政权的模式建立了中央集权制国家。北魏孝文帝面对初入中原建立政权的北魏封建中央集权,由于部落联盟时期的制度与权力结构的影响,发现了与中原国家有十分悬殊的差别,于是孝文帝迅速仿照中原国家政权的统治方式进行大刀阔斧的改革,使得鲜卑大部迅速汉化,取得的成就非常之大。但是另外一方面也造成了拓跋部的内部大分裂。这一大分裂在北魏政治制度、社会经济、拓跋部的文化习俗等方面都得以充分地展现。最终导致了鲜卑人内部产生了分化和斗争冲突。在北魏初年的地方政权建构中将原有的特权阶层和他们统治的区域设为军镇,军镇体制构成了北魏地方政权的主要结构形式。但是地方军镇并没有随着进入中原鲜卑部族的汉化而跨入同样的文明门栏,反而差异日显巨大,分裂成两大不同文化背景的群体。这两大群体进步与落后的争斗,最终导致北魏政权瓦解、社会分裂。 分化解体的北魏社会重新整合,出现了新的两个政治军事集团,以高欢为代表的鲜卑武人集团和宇文泰为代表的中原氏族集团。这两大军事政治集团分别建立了新的两个国家:东魏(北齐)与西魏(北周)。在东魏(北齐),来自北镇的鲜卑化的勋贵集团控制着东魏(北齐)的主要政治权力、社会经济、军事力量。随着汉族士人与北镇的武人之间的矛盾日益尖锐,削弱了东魏(北齐)国家的统治基础,因此东魏(北齐)被后来的西魏(北周)所取代。
[Abstract]:The Northern Wei ethnic regime started from the tribal alliance and gradually established the feudal state power through incessant conscription. In this process, the old traditional habits, the original customary forces deeply affected the development direction and mode of the Northern Wei regime. Women have a certain say in tribal military affairs. In the process of strengthening the struggle of imperial power, the power of mother and queen had no absolute authority in the political structure of Tuobar. The power of female masters is very large, often controlled the central regime, this political pattern has a great impact on the formation of the monarch dictatorship centralization, and has a far-reaching impact on the operation of the Northern Wei regime. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the regime of Xianbei Tuoba came into the Central Plains from the period of clan and tribal alliance, and was influenced by the feudal autocratic centralized state in Central Plains, and its regime was rapidly feudalized in the process of its establishment. A centralized state was established in accordance with the model of feudal state power. In the face of the feudal centralization of the Northern Wei Dynasty when he first entered the Central Plains, Emperor Xiaowen discovered that there was a great difference between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Central Plains because of the influence of the system and the power structure during the period of the Tribal Alliance. Therefore, Emperor Xiaowen quickly imitated the ruling mode of the Central Plains state power to carry out drastic reforms, which made Xianbei most of the rapid Sinicization, and the achievements were very great. But on the other hand, it also caused the internal division of Tuoba. This big division can be fully manifested in the political system, social economy, Tuoba culture and customs of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Finally led to the Xianbei people internal division and conflict. In the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the former privileged class and the region they ruled were set up as military towns, and the military town system constituted the main structural form of the local government in the Northern Wei Dynasty. But the local army town did not step into the same civilization gate with the Sinicization of the Xianbei tribe in the Central Plains, on the contrary, the difference was huge and divided into two groups with different cultural backgrounds. The struggle between the progress and backwardness of these two groups led to the disintegration of the Northern Wei regime and the division of society. With the reintegration of the Northern Wei Dynasty society, two new political and military groups appeared, represented by Gao Huan and the Central Plains clan group represented by Gao Huan and Yu Wentai. The two major military and political groups established two new states: the Eastern Wei Dynasty (Northern Qi) and the Western Wei Dynasty (Northern Zhou Dynasty). In the Eastern Wei Dynasty (Beiqi), Xianbei Xiangui Group from the North Town controlled the main political power, social economy, and military power of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. With the increasingly sharp conflict between the Han scholars and the Wu people in the North Town, the ruling foundation of the Eastern Wei Dynasty (Northern Qi) was weakened, so the Eastern Wei Dynasty (Northern Qi) was replaced by the Western Wei Dynasty (Northern Zhou Dynasty).


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