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发布时间:2018-09-14 09:01
[Abstract]:Land fragmentation refers to the distribution of small pieces of land in the form of ownership, which is not the subdivision of natural material phenomena. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the phenomenon of land fragmentation began to appear, because of the implementation of the system of granting land, the upper aristocratic manor was connected with pieces, and the land of the lower people appeared small pieces of fragmentation. By the time of the Song Dynasty, the land had been gradually formed, no matter the officials or the common people, the land owned by them were all in the state of fineness and distribution, and finally formed three kinds of land fragmentation patterns: the canine tooth mismatch type. "House" land separation and field separation mixed type, name sent production type. With the maturity of the land market, land trading is becoming more and more active, resulting in land prices are constantly rising. Most people can not afford to buy large pieces of land, so they split up and sell the land, and sellers do not want their ancestral land to be displaced. In order to tide over the difficulties, they sell part of the land, thus causing the land under the property rights relationship to be fragmented and distributed. In the process of dividing the land, the fertilizer and barren land is continuously mixed up, resulting in the scattered distribution of the land. With the large-scale population growth, the amount of cultivated land occupied per capita has been continuously compressed. Especially after the Song Dynasty, the proportion of principal households has been rising, resulting in a growing shortage of cultivated land per capita, thus speeding up the process of land fragmentation. All kinds of factors lead to the land under property rights being scattered artificially, and its reaction to political economy is firmly reflected in people's life at that time. This paper focuses on the formation process of land fragmentation and the effect of many factors on land fragmentation, and discusses the influence of land fragmentation on the society of Song Dynasty and later China.


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