[Abstract]:The Chinese nation is a multi-ethnic community, the ethnic minorities are an organic part of the Chinese nation. In ancient China, because the development level of each minority nationality is relatively backward compared with the Han nationality area of the Central Plains, and most of them live in the remote and backward areas, the administrative system of the central dynasty of each generation is very different from that of the Han nationality region. The period of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties was the first great split period since the Qin and Han dynasties. The great unified regime established in the Qin and Han dynasties broke apart, and the ethnic minorities mounted the historical stage one after another. The ethnic migration and ethnic relations in this period were complicated and complicated. In order to strengthen the rule of the areas where ethnic groups were gathered, the governments of the Wei, Jin and Southern dynasties set up a large number of full-time administrative bodies, the most important of which were the full-time warlords and Zhonglong generals. These full-time school officers will be in many functions, reflecting Huairou's thought as well as a certain degree of oppression, and playing an important role in the management of the areas where ethnic groups gathered at that time, not only promoting the trend of the unification of the multi-ethnic countries, but also playing an important role in the management of the areas where ethnic groups gathered at that time. It has promoted the economic development and the progress of civilization in the ethnic areas, and has provided a strong energy and a solid political foundation for the expansion of the Han culture. It has greatly enhanced the vitality of the Chinese nation with the Han nationality as the main body, and is an important carrier of the great national integration. It created a new way of governing minority areas in the Central Plains, provided valuable experiences and lessons for the management of minority areas in the Sui and Tang dynasties and later dynasties, and made outstanding contributions to the integration, development and growth of the Chinese nation. It is a special management system of ethnic areas in Chinese history.
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