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发布时间:2018-11-24 13:55
【摘要】:从公元6世纪末隋朝与高句丽建立封贡关系到公元8世纪初唐渤纷争结束的一个多世纪,是东北亚地区由混乱逐步走向稳定、由脱序逐步步入秩序的关键时期。此间,东北亚各地区、各部族进行了复杂的政治军事博弈与民族文化融合,逐步确立了开元时期东北亚稳定的秩序框架。在这一过程中,隋唐王朝对高句丽、渤海政策多变,既有和平往来,亦间大规模战争,其间始终都有突厥势力(包括分裂前的突厥帝国、东突厥汗国及后突厥汗国)贯穿其中。这些突厥因素或直接军事干预、或隐藏在隋唐王朝对高句丽政策的背后,颇值得发掘、探讨。本文以隋唐(前期)王朝对高句丽、渤海政策的展开及其背后的突厥因素为论点进行阐述,将文章分为绪论、本论和结论三部分,共五章。第一章为绪论。主要阐述与本论题相关的国内外研究动态及本文研究思路(研究目的与意义、研究方法与创新点),并为正文叙述铺陈背景。第二章主要阐述隋丽在辽河流域争端中的突厥因素。首先,分析了 6世纪末辽西地区局势的变化。其次,以隋、高句丽、突厥在辽西的争夺为中心,分析了隋、丽、突厥对高保宁和契丹势力的争夺及隋文帝征讨高句丽背后突厥的干预作用等。最后,以高句丽背隋"私通"东突厥为中心,探讨了隋炀帝在东突厥牙帐所遇高句丽使者问题及三征高句丽过程中东突厥对隋军的牵制作用。第三章主要阐述唐初与高句丽关系背后的突厥因素。首先,以唐初对高句丽政策变化为中心,分析了隋唐之际东北亚局势及从唐高祖联合高句丽到唐太宗对之强硬政策出台背后的东突厥因素。其次,以突厥系蕃兵问题为中心,探讨了唐丽战争中突厥系蕃兵的构成、在辽东战场的表现及其在灭高句丽过程中的作用。第四章主要阐述后突厥因素对唐朝与渤海国关系的影响。首先,简述了 7世纪后半期的东北亚局势与后突厥的复兴。其次,以周唐之际对渤海政策的转变为中心,分析了唐渤的敌对关系、大祚荣与后突厥的结盟及唐征后突厥背景下与渤海关系的缓和。最后,以后突厥主导下的唐渤纷争为中心,阐述了后突厥、契丹、渤海、奚"四蕃联盟"的建立与唐渤战争及战后唐渤关系的走向。第五章为结论。总结在隋唐对高句丽、渤海政策的展开过程中突厥因素的表现及其在不同情况下对之产生的作用。
[Abstract]:From the establishment of Fenggong relationship between Sui Dynasty and Goguryo at the end of the 6th century AD to the end of the disputes between the Bohai Sea and the Bohai Sea at the beginning of the 8th century, it was a crucial period for Northeast Asia to gradually move from chaos to stability and from disordering to order. During the period of Kaiyuan period, the stable order frame of Northeast Asia was gradually established by the complex political-military game and the fusion of national culture. In this process, the Sui and Tang dynasties changed their policies toward Koguryo and Bohai Sea, and there were both peaceful exchanges and large-scale wars, during which there were always Turkic forces (including the pre-secession Turkic Empire, the Eastern Turkic Khan and the Post-Turkic Khan). These Turkic factors or direct military intervention, or hidden behind the Sui and Tang Dynasty's policy toward Koguryo, is worth exploring. In this paper, the Sui and Tang dynasties (the early period) to the policy of Gaogouli, Bohai and the underlying Turkic factors as the argument, the article is divided into the introduction, this theory and the conclusion of three parts, a total of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper mainly describes the domestic and foreign research trends related to this topic and the research ideas of this paper (research purpose and significance, research methods and innovation points), and provides the background for the text narration. The second chapter mainly expounds Sui Li's Turkic factors in Liaohe River Basin dispute. Firstly, the change of the situation in western Liaoning at the end of 6 th century is analyzed. Secondly, taking Sui, Koguryo and Turkic as the center, this paper analyzes Sui, Li, Turkic's contention for the forces of Kobongnin and Qidan, and Sui Wendi's intervention in Koguryo. Finally, taking the East Turkic of Koguryo back Sui Dynasty as the center, the paper discusses the problem of Koguryo emissary encountered by Emperor Yang in the East Turkic tooth account and the restraining effect of the Middle East Turkic on the Sui army in the process of the three Rebels of Koguryo. The third chapter mainly expounds the Turkic factors behind the relationship between Tang Dynasty and Koguryo. First of all, taking the change of the policy toward Goguryo in the early Tang Dynasty as the center, the paper analyzes the situation in Northeast Asia during the Sui and Tang dynasties and the factors of the East Turkic from the combination of the Tang Dynasty and Gaoguril to the introduction of the tough policy of the Tang Taizong. Secondly, the paper discusses the composition of the Turkic Tibetan troops in the Tang Li War, their performance in the battlefield of eastern Liaoning and their role in the process of killing Koguryo. The fourth chapter mainly expounds the influence of post-Turkic factors on the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and Bohai. Firstly, the situation of Northeast Asia and the revival of post-Turkic in the second half of the 7 th century are briefly described. Secondly, taking the transformation of Bohai policy in Zhou and Tang dynasties as the center, this paper analyzes the hostile relations of Tang Bo, the alliance between Da Zuo Rong and the post-Turkic, and the relaxation of the relations with the Bohai Sea under the background of the Turkic after the Tang Dynasty. Finally, the Tang and Bohai dissension dominated by Turkic-dominated later as the center, elaborated the post-Turkic, Qidan, Bohai Sea, Xi "four Fan Union" and the Tang Bo War and the post-war Tang Bo relations. Chapter five is the conclusion. This paper summarizes the expression of Turkic factors in the process of the policy of Koguryo and Bohai Sea in Sui and Tang dynasties and their effects on it under different circumstances.


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