[Abstract]:The history of the earthquake will often bring huge casualties and loss of social wealth, but also affect the normal operation and development of the society. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, three major earthquakes occurred or spread to the south of Shanxi province, with a wide range of disasters, large casualties and far-reaching effects. On the basis of previous studies and from the point of view of social history, this paper focuses on the three major earthquakes in Ming and Qing dynasties and the social changes in southern Shanxi. This is helpful not only to understand the earthquake relief and reconstruction process in the traditional period, but also to reveal the great effect and influence of the great earthquakes on the regional society. At the same time, it has certain reference significance to the development of earthquake disaster relief work and the perfection of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction system. In this paper, after the 34 Huaxian earthquake in Mingjiajing, the Linfen earthquake in 34 in Qing Kangxi and the Pinglun earthquake in 20 years in Jiaqing, The disaster situation of Jinnan prefecture and county and the measures of post-earthquake emergency and recovery and reconstruction are discussed in this paper. It shows that the local society in southern Shanxi was seriously damaged in the three earthquakes. On the one hand, it examined the leading role of the national forces in disaster relief and reconstruction activities after the earthquake, on the other hand, from the aspects of people's livelihood and economy, regional social development, ideological and cultural aspects, and so on, This paper expounds some changes of society in southern Shanxi province after the great earthquake, and its function and potential influence on social development and change. Among the many natural disasters, earthquake ranks first in the disaster because of its severe disaster and wide range of influence. Especially in recent years, the important influence caused by the frequent occurrence of large earthquakes in the world is astonishing. Therefore, the exploration and research around earthquakes has always been a hot spot in the academic field. In this paper, we mainly discuss the relationship between earthquake and social change, regard earthquake as an important event in the course of social development, study its effect on regional social development and vicissitude, and show that earthquake not only hinders the progress of regional society, but also shows that earthquake is not only hindering the progress of regional society. It also affects the progress and development of society directly or indirectly.
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