发布时间:2019-04-30 08:29
【摘要】: 岳飞是南宋杰出的爱国将领。他的事迹在中国家喻户晓,岳飞也是一面爱国主义的旗帜,代代相传至今;在中国人民的心目中,他又是一座精忠报国的丰碑,他的文韬武略,他的高风亮节,他的浩然正气都深受广大人民敬仰。岳飞是中国人心目中的民族英雄,这已成定论。然而在学术界,因存有定义岳飞为民族英雄是否会影响某些民族的情感的争论,故中学历史教科书也早已将岳飞定论为抗金名将,岳飞没有被称为民族英雄。 中国人民心中的岳飞,兼具“历史人物”与“民族英雄”的双重形象,若分而言之:事实上的功过,将永存于史档;精神上的典范,早已化为正神。总之,在中国历史发展的长河中,是历代官家与民众共同塑造了如今的岳飞。 对此本篇论文以时代发展为轴线,力图对南宋以来岳飞历史地位的形成、变迁进行较深入研究,所探讨的内容包括:南宋时期岳飞的历史地位及其形成;南宋后各朝代中岳飞历史地位的不断变迁以及促成这些变迁的原因;最后总结于岳飞还是不是民族英雄,阐明研究岳飞的重大意义。藉此为镜,以期能正确对待岳飞这样著名的历史人物。这关系到当代中国人爱国主义信仰的问题,关系到维系和凝聚中华民族共同体的民族精神是削弱还是弘扬的问题。 通过本文可见,在岳飞历史地位的形成、变化中,政治因素始终起着主要作用;并受到外来理论的巨大影响;而中国民众的敬仰则是根本推动力量。虽然岳飞的历史地位一直有发展、有变化,今后也必然随着时代的发展而继续发展变化,但仍然改变不了岳飞是中华民族英雄的强烈民意和崇高地位。
[Abstract]:Yuefei was an outstanding patriotic general in the Southern Song Dynasty. His deeds are well known in China, and Yue Fei is also a banner of patriotism, handed down from generation to generation; In the eyes of the Chinese people, he is also a monument of loyalty to the country, his literary strategy, his high manners, his great integrity and integrity are admired by the vast majority of the people. Yuefei is a national hero in the eyes of the Chinese, which has become a conclusion. However, in academic circles, because of the debate whether the definition of Yuefei as a national hero will affect the emotion of some nationalities, the history textbooks of middle school have long regarded Yuefei as a famous anti-gold player, and Yuefei has not been called a national hero. Yuefei in the hearts of the Chinese people has a dual image of "historical figures" and "national heroes". In other words, in fact, the merits and wrongs of the Chinese people will last forever in historical files; the spiritual model has long been transformed into a right god. In a word, in the long river of China's historical development, it is the officials of all dynasties and the people who together shaped today's Yuefei. Taking the development of the times as the axis, this paper tries to study the formation and change of Yuefei's historical status since the Southern Song Dynasty. The contents discussed include: the historical status and formation of Yuefei in the Southern Song Dynasty; After the Southern Song Dynasty, the historical status of Yuefei and the causes of these changes were constantly changed. Finally, it was concluded that Yuefei was still a national hero, and the significance of studying Yuefei was expounded. As a mirror, we hope to treat such famous historical figures as Yue Fei correctly. This is related to the patriotism belief of the contemporary Chinese people, and the question of whether the national spirit of maintaining and condensing the Chinese nation community is weakened or carried forward. Through this article, it can be seen that in the formation and change of Yuefei's historical status, political factors have always played a major role, and have been greatly influenced by external theories, while the admiration of the Chinese people is the fundamental driving force. Although Yuefei's historical status has been developing and changing, and it must continue to develop and change with the development of the times in the future, Yuefei still cannot change the strong public opinion and lofty status of Yuefei as a hero of the Chinese nation.
[Abstract]:Yuefei was an outstanding patriotic general in the Southern Song Dynasty. His deeds are well known in China, and Yue Fei is also a banner of patriotism, handed down from generation to generation; In the eyes of the Chinese people, he is also a monument of loyalty to the country, his literary strategy, his high manners, his great integrity and integrity are admired by the vast majority of the people. Yuefei is a national hero in the eyes of the Chinese, which has become a conclusion. However, in academic circles, because of the debate whether the definition of Yuefei as a national hero will affect the emotion of some nationalities, the history textbooks of middle school have long regarded Yuefei as a famous anti-gold player, and Yuefei has not been called a national hero. Yuefei in the hearts of the Chinese people has a dual image of "historical figures" and "national heroes". In other words, in fact, the merits and wrongs of the Chinese people will last forever in historical files; the spiritual model has long been transformed into a right god. In a word, in the long river of China's historical development, it is the officials of all dynasties and the people who together shaped today's Yuefei. Taking the development of the times as the axis, this paper tries to study the formation and change of Yuefei's historical status since the Southern Song Dynasty. The contents discussed include: the historical status and formation of Yuefei in the Southern Song Dynasty; After the Southern Song Dynasty, the historical status of Yuefei and the causes of these changes were constantly changed. Finally, it was concluded that Yuefei was still a national hero, and the significance of studying Yuefei was expounded. As a mirror, we hope to treat such famous historical figures as Yue Fei correctly. This is related to the patriotism belief of the contemporary Chinese people, and the question of whether the national spirit of maintaining and condensing the Chinese nation community is weakened or carried forward. Through this article, it can be seen that in the formation and change of Yuefei's historical status, political factors have always played a major role, and have been greatly influenced by external theories, while the admiration of the Chinese people is the fundamental driving force. Although Yuefei's historical status has been developing and changing, and it must continue to develop and change with the development of the times in the future, Yuefei still cannot change the strong public opinion and lofty status of Yuefei as a hero of the Chinese nation.
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