[Abstract]:The Qing Dynasty Jiangnan Rural examination divided the examination motion from Kangxi, through Yongzheng, Qianlong, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, to Guang Xu, lasting a long time, the process is complex. The discussion of the division of the south of the Yangtze River lies in the division of the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. If there is no province, there will be no division. This principle can not only explain the situation in the south of the Yangtze River, but also apply to Hu Guang, Shaanxi and Gansu. The contradiction that there are too many candidates and too few students in Jiangnan Township is the main driving force for the discussion of Jiangnan Branch. Due to the characteristics of the two provinces in the south of the Yangtze River and the unified system of the empire, the motion of the division of the two provinces in the south of the Yangtze River was fruitless. The main reasons are as follows: urban factors; officials and gentry groups of the two provinces in the south of the Yangtze River have different attitudes towards the division of the two provinces, or even restrict each other, and have never formed a community of destiny. The Qing government took precautions and suppressed policies against the south of the Yangtze River. In the conflict between knowledge fairness and regional justice, Qing Dynasty chose the latter hard, which caused the two provinces of Jiangnan to pay a long and heavy price.
【作者单位】: 南京大学历史学院;
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