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发布时间:2019-06-16 18:53
【摘要】: 清末土默特地区的移民问题,是土默特地区史研究中的重要问题之一。鸦片战争后,随着清政府受到西方列强的侵略,国内又发生太平天国运动,造成国库空虚,急需扩大税源,为此,清政府实行“放垦蒙地”、“移民实边”的政策,使得土默特地区移民社会得到进一步的发展,表现出独有的历史特点。 这一时期,土默特地区的汉族移民在数量、构成、类型等方面都表现出新阶段、新时期的移民特性。清末,该地区在政策导向之下,又一次涌入一批汉族移民,加之原来的汉族移民经过几代人的自然繁衍,出现了人口大量增长的局面。并且在这些移民中产生了一些新型行业的移民,如教师、医生等。但是,此时的汉族移民由于想要寻找更好的生活环境和人多地少等原因,出现了再移民这个新的历史现象。 在土默特地区蒙汉两族长期交错杂居,朝夕相处,两个民族在文化、生活等方面互相影响、互相吸收,使两个民族相互融合,使蒙族汉化,汉族移民完全本地化。 清末,清政府对土默特地区移民社会的治理有了一些新的政策和措施。随着清中后期土默特地区移民社会的基本形成,到清末的进一步发展,该地区产生了一系列新的社会问题,甚至是社会矛盾,清政府针对这些情况,出台了治理这个移民社会的政策和措施,先是“七厅改制”,把该地区的五厅由原来的理事厅变为抚民厅,形成与内地一样的机构设置。后又实施“客民编籍”,正式承认了移民的合法身份。最后在土默特地区“放垦蒙地”,因为该地区在清中期时土地放垦已完毕,基本已成为了农区,所以,到清末的时候,土默特地区主要以清丈土地为主,从而汉族移民有了土地所有权。到此标志着土默特地区移民社会完全形成了。
[Abstract]:The immigration problem in Tumet area in the late Qing Dynasty was one of the important problems in the study of the history of Tumet area. After the Opium War, with the invasion of the Qing government by the western powers, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement occurred in China, resulting in the emptiness of the treasury and the urgent need to expand the source of taxes. therefore, the Qing government carried out the policy of "reclaiming Mongolian land" and "emigration", which made the immigration society in Tumert area further developed and showed unique historical characteristics. During this period, the Han immigrants in Tumet showed the characteristics of the new stage and the new period in terms of quantity, composition, type and so on. At the end of Qing Dynasty, under the guidance of policy, a group of Han immigrants poured into the region again, coupled with the natural reproduction of the original Han immigrants for several generations, resulting in a large population growth. And among these immigrants, there are some new industries of immigrants, such as teachers, doctors and so on. However, at this time, Han immigrants want to find a better living environment and a large number of people and less land and other reasons, there is a new historical phenomenon of re-migration. In the Tumet area, the Mongolian and Han ethnic groups lived interlaced and mixed for a long time, getting along with each other day and night. The two nationalities influenced and absorbed each other in terms of culture and life, so that the two ethnic groups could merge with each other, make the Mongolian nationality Sinicized, and completely localize the Han nationality immigrants. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the Qing government had some new policies and measures to govern the immigration society in Tummert area. With the basic formation of immigration society in Tumet area in the middle and late Qing Dynasty and the further development in the late Qing Dynasty, a series of new social problems and even social contradictions emerged in this area. In view of these situations, the Qing government issued policies and measures to control this migrant society. First, the "seven halls were reformed", and the five halls in the area were changed from the original council hall to the Fumin hall, forming the same institutional setup as the mainland. After that, it formally recognized the legal status of immigrants by implementing the compilation and registration of the guest and the people. Finally, "reclaiming Mongolian land" in Tumet area, because the land reclamation in this area was finished in the middle of Qing Dynasty, it has basically become an agricultural area, so by the end of Qing Dynasty, Tumet area was mainly Qingzhang land, so Han immigrants had land ownership. This marks the complete formation of the immigration society in the Tummert area.


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