[Abstract]:Qu Lindong believes that there are two main ways to study the continuous development of the multi-ethnic countries in the history of China: one is to examine the history of the nationalities and the development of the relations between them; The other is to investigate the development of people's ideology on the issue of historical and cultural identity, and to discuss the development of this kind of ideology from the perspective of the tradition of historical identity and the tradition of cultural identity, etc. Xu Diancai inspected the historical and cultural identity consciousness from the Pre-Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty and pointed out that this kind of identity had a positive impact on the establishment and consolidation of a unified multi-ethnic country. Li Hongbin spoke of the pattern of "one under the world" in the Sui and Tang dynasties from the cold fate of the "Yan Rong Theory" of the Western Jinjiang Unification, and held that the narrow national concept of excluding cultural identity did not conform to the general trend of the historical development of the Chinese nation. Xiang Yannan believes that from the 10th century to the 19th century, the consciousness of historical and cultural identity of the Chinese nation has been continuously developed and strengthened, both in the split stage and in the unification stage. Zhou Wenjiu discussed the deep role of greater China's national consciousness in the rise of the whole nation's anti-Japanese war and the formation and persistence of the anti-Japanese national United front during the Anti-Japanese War. The victory of the War of Resistance against Japan is also the victory of Chinese identity and national spirit. Zhang Yue combed the development of the national identity thought, which was displayed in the "Common Program" at the beginning of the founding of New China, from Sun Zhongshan's "five Nations Republic" to "the Republic of five ethnic groups", and believed that the correct national concept should be established. It is of great significance to promote the common development of the whole nation and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心
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