[Abstract]:With the depletion of traditional energy, the development and utilization of new energy is the inevitable choice of human progress. Fusion energy is considered the best solution to the human energy crisis because of its abundant reserves of raw materials, safety and non-pollution. Among the magnetic confinement fusion devices, Tokamak is considered the most promising one. The China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) is currently under design. The goal of CFETR is to obtain long pulse, tritium self-sustaining steady-state operation, and to fill the gap between ITER and DEMO. Its preliminary conceptual design has been completed. In addition, neutral beam implantation (NBI) and ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) produce high-energy ions as well as low-energy clutters (LHW) and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) which produce high-energy electrons. These high-energy particles have intrinsic free energy and high-energy particle velocity and Al. In turn, the unstable eigenmode can cause redistribution or loss of high-energy particles, and may even damage the confinement wall. Therefore, the study of the interaction between high-energy particles and the eigenmode of Alphan is a Tokamak. One of the most important subjects in physics is the ring-shaped Alphan eigenmode (TAE), which is composed of the same ring-directional modulus and the adjacent polar-directional modes. Deuterium-tritium fusion also produces neutrons. Neutron wall load (NWL) represents the energy flux density of neutrons produced by fusion reaction hitting the first wall, which determines the cladding material. In this paper, the stability of TAE driven by high-energy particles and the influence of kinetic parameters on the neutron wall load are studied on CFETR. This paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. Chapter 2 introduces the physical background of the high-energy particles and shear Alfven waves in Tokamak plasma. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 are the main contents of this paper. Chapter 6 is the summary and Prospect of the work. The specific research contents of this paper are as follows: In Chapter 3, the NOVA/NOVA-K program is used in CFETR. The stability of TAE modes with toroidal modulus n between 1 and 12. We use the CORSICA program to construct plasma equilibrium, and the safety factor is chosen as three typical profiles in the ITER scheme. For these three different safety factor distributions, the NOVA program is used to calculate their continuous spectrum and eigenmode structure, and then NOVA-K is used to calculate their eigenmode structures. Numerical results show that all TAEs found in the TAE frequency gap (gaps) are stable except for one unstable TAE mode. The unstable TAE is an eigenmode corresponding to the normal shear of the safety factor and corresponds to it. The circumferential modulus is n=4. The main difference between the three typical equilibrium profiles is the safety factor. If the safety factor profiles are properly chosen, all the corresponding TAEs are stable. Therefore, the instability of TAE modes can be reduced by modifying the safety factor profiles on CFETR. In addition, the plasma density can be scanned. In Chapter 4, the calculation method in M3D/M3D-K program and the theoretical model used are introduced. The M3D/M3D-K program contains Theoretical models include ideal magnetic fluid, resistive magnetic fluid, two-fluid model, and kinetic and magnetic fluid mixing model. According to the parameters of CFETR, the M3D/M3D-K program is used to calculate the linear eigenmodes of ring-shaped Alphan. In Chapter 5, the neutron wall load distribution on CFETR is calculated and the plasma is presented. The results show that the maximum value of NWL is near the outer-middle plane for the fusion power of CFETR 200 MW, and the corresponding NWL is about 0.4 MW/m2. The effect of plasma density and temperature profile distribution on the NWL is very small. Therefore, for different operation schemes, the kinetics of the NWL is studied. The influence of parameters on NWL can be neglected. The size of NWL is mainly determined by the total fusion power. When designing the cladding structure of CFTR, if the total fusion power remains unchanged, the influence of the operation scheme of Tokamak on the cladding can be ignored.
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